The Chase for Beauty: What Compels People To Go Under the Knife?

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2019

Cosmetic surgery offers more than aesthetic benefits. Here we will discuss the reasons and psychology behind people’s willingness to have cosmetic surgery.

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Cosmetic surgery has grown significantly in popularity over the last few years. Many men and women go under the knife at some point in their lives. The reasons why people choose to have cosmetic surgery are varied and personal. Not all the people get it done to enhance their physical appearance.

Let’s check it out why more and more people are getting cosmetic surgery nowadays and what causes them to go under the knife.

1) To Reverse the Signs of Aging

Generally, teenagers think they would never go for cosmetic surgery. But, as they starting experiencing signs of ageing like wrinkles and sagging skin, it motivates them to go for cosmetic surgery to preserve their youthful looks.

Though there are numerous anti-ageing approaches that we can take to lessen or postpone the signs of ageing, but sooner or later, time catches up with us all.

As our age advances, our skin starts becoming loose and leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In such situations, procedures like facetite can work as a blessing for us. This procedure becomes an effective means of reversing the signs of ageing. That’s why more and more people are opting for it these days.

2) When Diet and Exercise Don’t Help

Sometimes people try their best and strictly follow diet and exercise to get their body in a shape they always wanted. But they might not be successful even after putting in a lot of efforts.

In such a scenario, the best option is to go for liposuction surgery and lose weight. But be aware, this kind of surgery is not a permanent solution. You will gain the lost pounds again if you don’t alter your lifestyle with healthier choices.

Sometimes people who have already lost a lot of weight through strict diet and exercise routine struggle with large volumes of sagging skin. Cosmetic surgery can handle this problem and help you to get a beautiful body once again.

3) To Satiate the Inner Self

The reasons why people decide to have plastic surgery are not always so depressing; the trigger can be something as simple as merely aesthetic reasons. People usually undergo surgery not to win someone over or become someone else, but they opt for it to improve their self-confidence.

Having the perfect body shape can help to make you more self-assured and confident.

4) To Improve Health and Physical Features

Usually, people suffer from some kind of health risks, diseases, and disorders because of certain physical features. Correcting these issues through cosmetic surgery can help you live a healthier and happy lifestyle.

For example, breast reduction can help in correcting posture and relieving back and neck pain. Nose reshaping can help you in dealing with breathing problems and in preventing sleep issues. Cosmetic surgery can become a boon for people who truly want a change in their physical appearance for the better.

5) To Overcome Old Wounds

Injury, accident, or stretch marks may lead to scars on the skin and body surface. In such a scenario, cosmetic surgery can prove to be effective. With such procedures, you can minimize the appearance of scars and stretch marks, and regain your self-confidence.

Letting go of the past and moving on is a big deal. People usually want to forget about the pain and suffering they have been gone through and want to live a normal life. In that, cosmetic surgery can be very effective and helpful psychologically too.

6) To Make a Partner Happy

Sometimes, the only reason why people undergo cosmetic surgery is that they want to make their partner happy. But, before changing your body to suit someone else’s needs, you should consider your options and desires first. Talk to your doctor and properly understand the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery before making any final decision.

7) Bad Genetics & Reconstruction

Being born a certain way is not something that you can control, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change it later on. There is nothing wrong with wanting to enhance your physical appearance. That’s why today people go under the knife to get enhancements like fuller lips rather than hating themselves for their look.

Cosmetic surgery is an excellent option for women suffering from breast cancer. Breast Reconstruction cosmetic surgery can help one to handle psychological trauma and enjoy a great body again.

8) To Look Like Celebrity

Sometimes, reading your favourite celebrity autobiography or wearing the costly perfume they’ve just brought out isn’t sufficient — you want to look exactly like them.

For some people, imitating their celeb idol becomes more than just a trend — it becomes an obsession for them. This is also one of the reasons why people decide to have plastic surgery nowadays. Though such people are few and far in between, nevertheless this is still a reason why they opt for a cosmetic procedure.

9) Career Boost & Access to More Opportunities

People who are in a marketing job or those who have a high level of customer interaction would want to look their best at such workplace interactions.

By opting for the right cosmetic procedure, you can enjoy more and better professional opportunities. From cutthroat salaries and promotions to self-belief and incredible self-esteem — attractive looks can open many doors in an individual’s life and can give them a career boost they have been always looking for.


In a nutshell, cosmetic surgery offers benefits beyond simply looking better. It improves physical health, self-confidence, and mental wellbeing. The above pointers aptly depict the various scenarios where people prefer going under the knife.



Fit Yourself Club

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, With rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy.Twitter: @miilajones