The Futility of New Year’s Resolutions

Sunshine Carusi Trugillo
2 min readJan 26, 2016


It happens every year. We are all guilty of it. December 31 rolls around and we start spouting promises to ourselves and others. “This year is the year I will…(Fill in the blank)”. I myself did it with my attempt to go vegan. Sadly, the call of a nice grilled chicken breast and a glass of milk was just too tempting to say no. So, within three days, my resolution was out the window.

What I have realized is that we don’t have to wait for December 31 to decide to change. Today is January 26, and I woke up and made a conscious decision that TODAY I would eat healthy, drink my water, and get in my workout. TODAY I would remember to write this blog. TODAY I would take the time to finish cleaning my house as close to perfection as it can get with two toddlers. I didn’t need to wait for December 31, 2016 to decide to make these changes. A “new year” can begin at any point in your current year and those “resolutions” can come and go and be effective whenever YOU are ready for them. It is all about where you are at in your own personal journey.

As for me, I have not given up on my resolution, I have just altered it a bit. Instead of “going vegan”, I am “getting healthy”. That is a lot more do-able, and I can involve my family which is a lot more effective than trying to get my husband to drink a green smoothie.

So, in short, TODAY is the day for you to make changes. I am going to make one of those green smoothies and get the rest of my workout in. Bon Appetit!



Sunshine Carusi Trugillo

After a long hiatus, I'm thinking it's time to revisit and revise this blog!