Three Resolution Hacks to Keep You on Track

Chelsea O'Donnell
5 min readJan 13, 2016

Are you having a tough time sticking to the healthy New Years resolutions that you made on January 1st? You’re not alone; according to Forbes, just eight per cent of people stay committed to the promises they made for the year ahead. If you’re one of the people who are struggling to keep your resolution alive, we have three great tricks to help you stay committed to your new routine.

Tackling the Sweet Tooth

Did you vow that this would be the year you would kick start a healthy diet? According to a survey from, you’re not the only one. Out of 5,000 people surveyed, 39.6% said they wanted to lose weight. But while the intentions are there, sometimes it can be hard to resist the temptation of a sweet treat. Here are our ideas for indulging in a little something special without ruining your diet.

- Dark Chocolate

Chocolate gets a bad rap for its sugar and fat content but the dark variety (made of more than 70% cacao) is a brilliant antioxidant and can help reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow.

- Popcorn

A study by Scranton University says that a single portion of popcorn contains more antioxidants than all the fruit and veg most people eat in a day. We are of course talking about the all-natural kind, but jazzing it up with a dusting of yummy cinnamon will help curb hunger pangs and fight off those pesky sugar cravings.

- Homemade Sorbet

With Vitamix and NutriBullet making their way into so many homes, there’s no excuse not to whip up a tasty, sweet frozen treat. We love to throw a couple of mangoes in with some ice and a bit of agave for a yummy, healthy dessert that the whole family can’t resist.

Fitness That’s Actually Fun

A new fitness routine can get old quickly, especially if you’re like so many of us that secretly dread going to the gym. Luckily, Brooklyn offers a slew of amazing and fun workouts to shake up your regimen and put some excitement back into fitness. Here are our top picks:

- Brooklyn Boulders

With 22,000 square feet of climbing surface in Gowanus, this indoor rock-climbing playground offers everything from beginners instruction to advanced challenges. You won’t believe the arm workout you’ll get after a short session, and with a schedule of yoga, acro yoga and capoeira classes, it’s a whole lot different than what you’ll find at the gym.

- Dance with Deep House Yoga

If you’ve ever had a late night of dancing, you’ll remember exactly how your legs feel the next day. Verboten is a converted metal factory in Williamsburg, which, in addition to its regular schedule of music and events, hosts a bi-weekly deep house yoga class called Willkommen. The best part? With a 7pm start, you’ll be home and in bed a lot earlier than your usual dance party.

- Punk Rope

On Wednesday nights, the Greenpoint YMCA hosts Punk Rope, a madcap combination of rope jumping and conditioning exercises paired with high-energy tunes. Besides the fact that it’s a whole lot of fun, the average class will burn 600 calories and give you a full body workout before you know what hit you.

- Cross Fit Prospect Heights

To some people, Cross Fit might seem intimidating with its garage-style set up full of big bodies and even bigger weights. But the reverse is actually true. Cross Fit is all about community and camaraderie, with personalized workouts for each member and a roaring cheer squad for giving it your all. Data from Cardlytics shows that among specialty workout choices, CrossFit members are about twice as likely to stick to their New Years resolutions until at least February or the end of the year. Bring it on.

Zen and the Art of Body Maintenance

Were you one of 41.1% Americans who resolved to live a healthier lifestyle this year? Well, you’re in luck. In addition to eating better and hitting the gym, there is one additional healthy lifestyle must-have that many people forget — a regular visit to the local spa. While most people consider it a luxury, spa treatments actually have amazing health benefits for both the body and mind. With 45.7% of Americans saying their New Years resolution is to live life to the fullest, a monthly trip to the spa ticks more than a few boxes. The experts at Body by Brooklyn, a 10,000 square foot spa and wet lounge in Clinton Hill, tell us that regular visits to the spa promote circulation, can help with pain relief and promote better sleep. Here are a few of their favorite treatments:

- Hydrotherapy

A day at the bathhouse sounds blissful, but soaking and sweating in the sauna, steam room and hot tub can seriously reduce inflammation, relax the muscles and diffuse pain. It also helps blood to flow through your heart, lungs, arteries and veins and can do wonders on sinus pain and congestion.

- Massage

This ultra relaxing therapy gets its hype for good reason. Not only is it a wonderful solution to reduce stress and muscle fatigue, it can also decrease anxiety, assist with digestive problems, combat insomnia and provide relief from pain. It’s also a great way to tune out the world and focus on some much needed “me time”.

- Body Scrub

Our skin is our body’s largest organ, so it’s vital to take good care of it. An invigorating body scrub works to slough off dead skin cells and allow new skin to surface. It also boosts circulation and helps drain lymph nodes by increasing blood flow to the surface. Plus who doesn’t love the feeling of baby soft skin?

Resolutions can be tough to follow, especially if they involve a major lifestyle change. The best thing you can do to keep on track is to not be too hard on yourself. Do your best to celebrate the wins by giving yourself rewards, and don’t be afraid to cheat once in a while. Most everything, in moderation, can be ok.

