Three Simple Steps To Understand And Utilize Your Value In Life

Adelina Benson
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2019

Your value in life may be something you’ve never even thought about. In this modern age, we tend to live quickly and without much thought for ourselves. But what if there was another way to go through life? What if you could realize how important you are, and how important your contribution to life could be — then actually make that contribution?

Well, there are only three simple steps which you need to keep in mind in order to not only live better, but to possibly help others within your life by understanding and acting on your valuable potential.

1. Change How You Think

“Thought is the most important precursor to action,” says Elaine McKean, a prolific lifecoach from 1Day2Write and NextCoursework, “without it, nothing is possible. All decisions in life begin with thought, so, without it, nothing is possible. If you think you can do it, then you’re half-way there.” This sentiment is clearly true, since your life value can only be understood once you actually take time out of your busy schedule to think about it.

Have you ever wanted to start a sport, but never found the time to research local clubs? Considered taking a leading role within your office, but never planned when or how? Setting aside time to consider what you could offer to other people, your career or even just yourself, through just the qualities which come naturally to you, can only benefit your life, and set you on the path to understanding your true value.

2. Change How You Act

But thought can only get you so far — if you don’t act on it, thought remains in your mind, and nothing will ever happen. If you want to increase your fitness, for example, and believe that this is your calling in life, then you need to get out there and look for opportunities to get stuck into activities and sports.

“Joining a team is, perhaps, the best way to get motivated and stay motivated,” Robert Turner, an enthusiastic health writer from Australia2Write and Britstudent, suggests, “since people are the building blocks of life, and having people around you not only increases your mood and morale, but also keeps you within a positive mindset and thought process — so long as you have the right people in your team!”, and it does make sense. Having the camaraderie of a group of people behind you — the emotional connection of winning and losing together — can only help you to realize your life value and improve yourself.

3. Persevere

Finally, once you have taken both the steps above to think about and then act on how your value in life could help you and others, you must continue; once you have started on this journey to discover your life value, you can’t just abandon it and expect any fitness you have gained or life quality you have improved to stay with you. Teams are amazing, not just because they link you with a constant reminder of sport and fitness, which could be a large part of your life value, but also because they can keep you going even when you want to give up.

Losing weight — gaining muscle — spending more time outside — volunteering — taking charge — all of this disappears once you lose interest, or get too stressed, and decide not to continue. Having people around you who genuinely support you and want you to utilize your value in life can only be good for you and the changes you are making, so surround yourself with people who will help you to persevere and achieve your life goals — then continue to achieve them, milestone after milestone, game after game, run after run.


Your value in life does not change from the day you are born to the day that you discover it, but, once you know it exists, you can utilize it to change your life, and possibly the lives of others. Realize your importance to the world: think about it; act on it; and continue to act on it, so that you can keep improving yourself throughout the course of your life.

Adelina Benson is an email marketer and writer at and She develops marketing strategies, edits and proofreads company emails. In her free time, she loves to blog at to help people reach their full potential.

