Anthony Umoh
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2017


Three ways to stay healthy

Staying healthy can be a challenging task, especially with all of the modern-day distractions that we all experience, I am talking about things like video-games, television, computers, the increasing amount of fatty foods and the insanity of what’s in your meals, etc. In this article, I will show you three detailed ways you can stay healthy and live a fulfilled life.

Regular Exercise

The first way to stay healthy is the use of proper exercise, so instead of staying inside and playing video-games on your Xbox one or your computer, you can dedicate a short amount of your time and spend twenty minutes jogging around your local park. There are different ways of exercising, and it can include things like swimming, yoga, dancing even walking is better than nothing as you are experiencing fresh air. Regular exercise will do many things like improving your cardiorespiratory and muscle fitness, it helps you lose weight, in the long-term, you will feel much better when you are working, or you are at school, how much exercise are you doing? If the answer is not enough to go outside and just experience life, you will feel much better afterwards.

Eating Right

The second way of staying healthy is the most crucial way as it helps decrease your weight and helps you feel energised, no matter how much exercise you do if you just eat sweets and chocolate, you will not go anywhere in staying healthy because you will only keep adding the weight. Eating right can depend on the field you represent, when you are a professional in the sport, for example, mo Farah says for his dinner he will eat foods like pasta and grilled chicken this meal includes carbohydrates and protein. The Carbohydrates will contain oxygen and hydrogen, and they will be broken down so that the human body is provided with energy throughout the day, athletes will eat carbs to get ready for their match, and protein will contain amino acids.Therefore it will result in doing things like repairing your muscle fibres when they are broken. But for the average joe your diet should consist of both carbs and protein but try to cut down on the fatty foods, I am not saying eliminate it because we can all have a break sometimes. Ask yourself this, are you eating healthy and what can you do about it?

Sleeping Well

The final point is about sleeping; there are a lot of health benefits to sleeping which includes the improvement of your memory. Also, it helps you live longer, for example, a study in 2010 revealed that women between the ages fifty and seventy-nine, who had five and a half hours sleep died more than those who had six and half hours sleep. It also helps you be more alert, without the right amount of sleep then you won’t want to exercise, and you will be not be motivated to eat the right foods which will cause you to put on weight and feel tired and unhappy. The average joe needs eight hours of sleep, Are you getting enough sleep?

There are many ways you can stay healthy, but these are the three I picked out, now go out and exercise and eat healthy while you get your required amount of sleep.

