Waking up exhausted is the best thing.

Chris Marchie
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

“Not today, Satan! No today.”

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

I’m not even sure what brought it on, honestly.

I woke up this morning miserable. I dreamed of not only being robbed on a bus, but also getting chased through a subway station by some man trying to kill me. And then, in the next dream, an old friend from high school was yelling at me.

I’m emotionally exhausted and it’s only 7:30am.

There are times I just realize I’m off my game. Something really isn’t right. Lost balance, a little bit too tired and can’t remember what I’ve done yesterday let alone the past week.

I think it’s an energy thing. Not only do you feel physically tired, you can tell something is out of alignment.

I could’ve slept great and gotten all the right food, but still feel like I’m sleepwalking. My soul is a little out of whack. And I think it allows some of those darker feelings and thoughts to creep in, tap you on the shoulder and follow you around the rest of the day.

Sorry if you’re home alone and reading this. Oops.

In this moments, I do what I do best: Ditch it all. Remove the phone. Get away from people. Sit by myself and do some yoga. Be with my thoughts. Re-connect with me and try to be as present as I possibly can.

Anyone who tells you they’re in a permanent state of happiness or whatever is lying to you. We all need our darker times to get us back on track. To re-align those energies or chakras or whatever the hell it is that life or our own habits have beaten out of sync.

It’s time to get my shit together again.

