What is happiness…How do you get one ?

Fit Yourself Club
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2018


Happiness is a misunderstood word, we search for it’s virtual state for our whole lives.

I have seen people thinking — if I had this car, or met this partner, or have a big mansion, then I would be happy. This is just a misconception. People who think this way are materialistic.

Have you ever thought why children are happy or why a baby is happy? Because happiness comes in them naturally and is a fundamental sense.

Research suggests— As we grow older, we become unhappy.

I have generally seen people saying — I am unhappy and my life is hell.

My question to those people —

  1. Just compare yourself to the people of Syria where due to political disturbance, people have lost home, and children have lost families.
  2. Just compare yourself to a baby who lost his/her parent just after getting birth.

Think about it…

Now let me know, Are you still unhappy? I understand you might have problems but there might be solutions to it, and on the other hand there are also some problems which are unsolvable.

In actual terms, people do not have an idea of what happiness is.

Here are some of the ways, you can find happiness:-

1. Never take yourself too serious. Hardships are bound to come in life, it is very easy to lose your fun side and easily get involved with the negative aspects of what is happening. We should not take our self too seriously because it brings a lightness in the circumstances.

2. It’s OK to be you, but it’s better to improve every day. You may think yourself to be imperfect & hopeless. But true perfection comes when you are accepting your imperfections and start improving them. In this way, you are not rejecting yourself. We should always remember that each one is unique.

3. Befriend yourself. Relationship with yourself is the only relationship which lasts for a lifetime, so you should be the greatest friend. So it’s imperative not to demotivated.

4. Forgive & Love yourself. You always need to forgive yourself for feeling sad, for all things you think you’ve done wrong. Don’t get stuck in a rut. Just look for a better future and work for it.

5. Meditation. As per research, meditation changes the circuits in the part of the brain associated with happiness and stimulates them. Meditation can change your life. Don’t take my word instead try it because the path to self-belief comes with working by yourself and for yourself.

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Fit Yourself Club

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