Why I chose the fitness lifestyle

2 min readJan 30, 2016


The first thing I want to say is, I’m not a writer…not by a long shot. That being said I will give this a try and tell my story.

I was the skinny kid growing up, I remember taking weight gainer by the tub when I was in high school yet no results. As I’m sure most of you can predict that problem didn’t last forever. As I got into my mid to late 20's the workouts were still there but with all of the drinking, late night eating and lack of sleep the pounds began to add up.

By the time I hit 30 , I was by far at my strongest but I was pushing 230 pounds and felt fat and bloated. This is also the time our first daughter was born. A few weeks away from the gym to spend time with my wife and new daughter turned into 4 years and a second daughter. For the next few years I was in the gym relatively regularly but my diet was poor and although the weight didn’t get excessive it didn’t come off like I wanted either. Then a few life changing events took place……

The first event was after 20 hard years, for the sake of my family and marriage ; I stopped drinking Cold Turkey 🦃. I lost 20 pounds right away but after I adjusted I started to compensate with food and I Shitty attitude. Then came my highest weight TWO-HUNDRED & FIFTY POUNDS….I was tired all the time but could never make a dent.

Two years after I quit drinking, I started having severe stomach pains.. The testing seemed endless and the results inconclusive. After months of testing and finally some decent weight loss😬 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. That’s when everything thing changed…. Not wanting to go on the prescribed medicine I turned to the Internet to research my options. I read a lot of positive things about the Paleo Diet and Auto Immune diseases. I was all in, over the coming months I tweaked my diet and ate 95% Paleo with awesome results. Between the the testing,pain and lack of eating I lost 60 pounds. With the Paleo diet and consistent workouts I have been able to keep that off for over two years and truly have changed my life.

My journey is just beginning and I can’t wait to share my accomplishments, failures and everything in between….




All things Fitness,Diet/Nutrition. Sharing success and challenges ...... Twitter - @HustleHut ///SnapChat : HustleHutGym www.hustlehut.com