Why Wait Until It’s Too Late?

Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018

How many times in the past year have you thought about losing weight?

How many times in the past five years? Or 10?

Out of all of those times spent thinking about it, how many actually of these actually led to action taken towards reaching your weight loss goal?

Why this line of questioning? Let me explain…

I was chatting with someone close to me yesterday. We were discussing how referrals are a tough thing to come by in my line of work.

Think about it for a second: You have a friend or a family member that needs to lose weight. Are you going to just go up to him or her and say, ‘Hey — So you’ve really put on a considerable amount of weight recently! I know this guy Pete who can help you — He’s great!!’

Yeah, there’s a good chance he or she wouldn’t talk to you again if that was your approach…

The guy I was talking to even mentioned that he has a sister and a brother-in-law who have young kids. He mentioned that his sister can stand to lose 40–50 lbs, and her husband is at least 100 lbs overweight!

He and his parents are struggling with how (or even if) they should deal with this…

He cares about his sister.

He cares about his brother-in-law.

He cares about his niece and nephew, and wants them to have a happy, loving childhood with healthy parents.

Unfortunately, both family members are at risk. Sadly, he feels it’s not his place to say anything…

Before you think I’m condemning this decision, I’m actually in 100% agreement with his approach!

Weight loss is a sensitive subject. It’s not like referring a new Italian restaurant to someone you know.

The two best sources of motivation I’ve seen over my decade of coaching others is:

1) Children, and/or

2) A scary doctor’s visit.

These two motivators have brought me the best clients I’ve had the pleasure to work with over the past 10 years!


They have their why. They know that if they don’t get their health under control, they’ll not only relinquish their ability to provide for their kids (or grandkids!), but they’ll become a burden on their loved ones.

Imagine not having the ability to walk around the house. Or to bend down and pick something up. Or to bathe yourself.

Imagine needing an aide, or your loved ones to help you do all of those basic daily activities — And more!

Imagine being on a cocktail of medications that hindered your ability to think and zapped you of your energy.

Sadly, this picture is all too real for hundreds of millions of people worldwide! I’m sure you’ve seen it up close and personal with members of your own family…

So, with the weekend fast approaching, my question to you is this: Why wait until it’s too late? Lose the weight, improve your health, and live a long, happy life!

You’re worth it!! Now get out there and make it happen :-)

Have a nice weekend!

Pete Weintraub

P.S. If you were ever interested in seeing what working with me entails, then boy, do I have an exclusive opportunity for YOU!

For just this week ONLY (4/17–4/24/2018), I invite you to receive a FREE week of coaching with me. Here’s how it would work:

Step 1: Fill out my Health Questionnaire at https://goo.gl/forms/pn6PugMixK74z5ip2. Select the ‘Free Week’ program option at the bottom of the form.

Step 2: Once you submit the form, you’ll be prompted to go to www.weightlossbypete.com/strategy. Set up a Strategy Call with me within 48 hours of your form’s submission, or you’ll be ineligible to receive this exclusive offer!

Step 3: We’ll hop on the call you scheduled (a $100 value), and I’ll make sure I have a good understanding of your athletic, medical, and injury histories. Once it’s over, we’ll schedule a follow-up call within 5–7 days.

Step 4: We’ll set you up on both the MyFitnessPal app to track your nutrition, and the Weight Loss by Pete fitness app over the course of the next 5–7 days — Another $100 value!

Step 5: Log your daily food intake into MyFitnessPal, while taking the Fitness Test and following the exercise program laid out for you in the Weight Loss by Pete fitness app. You’ll receive daily accountability and communication from me over the course of the following week in both of these mediums — Yet another $100 value!!

Step 6: We’ll hop on our follow-up call, where I’ll present both your Dietary Analysis, and what needs to be worked on from a fitness/functionality standpoint — A $250 value!

At that time, we’ll decide whether we’d like to work together — Or not!! Regardless, you would have just received $550 of FREE coaching from me, absolutely free!!!

If you think this is something you’d be interested in, go to https://goo.gl/forms/pn6PugMixK74z5ip2, fill out the Health Questionnaire, and get things rolling.

Make sure to email me the voucher below prior to our call so I know that you’re looking to take advantage of this exclusive offer ;-)

P.P.S. Don’t worry about what seems like a crazy cost for just one week! Those are startup fees that would be foregone if you decided to start a program with me after all was said and done.

For as little as a cup of coffee a day, you can work with me, so don’t stress about cost just yet! I promise you’ll receive wayyyy more value that you bargained for :-p

Get started on this exclusive offer by going to https://goo.gl/forms/pn6PugMixK74z5ip2.



Pete Weintraub
Fit Yourself Club

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.