Why we train Abs first…

3 min readJan 21, 2016

Abs…..Six Pack…Eight Pack…Whatever they are called….


Yes! You! You KNOW you want them.

A lot of people really work hard to get those Ab muscles showing but don’t see any results. There are many different reasons behind that, but we won’t get into all them now.

On this blog we just wanted to touch on why a lot of people may be doing their Ab workouts the wrong way or at the wrong time.

You see lots of people in gyms doing abs at the end of a workout to get ‘ripped’ and get a flat stomach. They will often do many crunches or sit ups as fast as they can to work the core hard.

You can see and understand their thinking behind it but does it actually work?

Well…Maybe for a select few.

Here is the deal…people often think THE CORE is a different set of muscles that need to be worked in a special way.

However, they are part of the group of muscles supporting the body’s every day functional movement, so why train it differently? Why train these muscles at the end of your workout when you are tired and form can be jeopardized?

We know THE CORE muscles to play a key role in the overall body’s healthy movement that’s why we train it in the beginning of the workouts.

Yes! You read that correct!

We train abs in the beginning of our workouts! Especially during the days that we train legs and back.

Why you ask……

Well… let us take a few minutes to talk it out..

You see….all the compound exercises (Deadlifts, Squats, Jerks, Pull-ups, etc.) that one may do part of their routine require an engaged/strong core; they require the ab muscles to be engaged to keep the spine straight, therefore preventing injuries. Having an already engaged core, sets you up for better form and injury free routine.

If you still are not sold on working out abs first because of the reason given above…. Then consider this…

If your abs are so important and you wish you had them popping out….why would you train them at the end of your routine when you are tired and your stamina is low. If they are that important, train them in the beginning when you are fresh and stamina is at the higher level.


Oh .. and…. DON’T DO SIT-UPS! …. Crazy …. I know :)…

If someone has a strong core then maybe sit ups at full speed will be okay, but if the core is weak then it needs to be strengthened at a level that’s right for the individual. Just like any other exercises….you can’t start with the highest weight. You need to work your way up to the heavy weights. Same goes for Ab workouts/exercise.

You may start off with some form of plank progressions and then introduce a med ball for some chopping or cable chops with a rope.

You could then, bring planks onto a Swiss ball and then perform more advanced exercises such as renegade rows, farmer walks or dragon flags. Do not get ahead of yourself and try something you’re not ready for, it will have a negative effect in the long run.

So if the core is important to you train it while you are fresh and train at a level that’s right for you. Trust the process and be patient. With the right routine and right nutrition those Abs will come out to play.

If you are looking for inspiration/motivation or just simply for a few workout routines, check us out on social media @fiitdads or on www.fiitdads.com , more importantly check out our #8minabs routines.

In Fitness and Health,





Inspire, Motivate and Support Dads and their families to live a healthy and happy life.