Why you should actually do something instead of making excuseS.

2 min readJan 27, 2016


Okay so at the start of the year I was so pumped and motivated to get my body the way I wanted it. Now don’t get me wrong! I still am, I just felt like I’ve not had as much time to work on my body. So basically, I’ve been making excuses…oops🤔 but excuses get you no where! What the hell am I doing!?

So tomorrow, I am going down to the gym and becoming a member. I will be working my butt off to get to where I want to be and nothing can stop me from getting to that! If you want to be happy you’ve got to go for things in life, you can’t just complain about not having them. I won’t be happy with my body if I’m sat here doing nothing will I?! So this is why I’ve taken a stand, I’ve crossed the barriers that my mind has set and I’ve done something for myself that will benefit me, make me feel good and keep me fit. I’m so proud haha🤗.

You should try this too. Although I haven’t been to the gym yet, I’m so excited and I feel once I am there I won’t be able to leave.

My usual 30 minute jog will turn into a 45 minute run! Everything will improve due to the motivation that I’ll gain. It is going to help me so much.

I feel like if I start to see progress I should show you guys as I feel this may help to motivate you also. So I’m going to keep you up to date on my ‘fitness journey’ via my blog but mainly Instagram (cait99lan) so be sure to follow me! I’ll be giving lots of tips and tricks as to what I feel works best for me or what I could recommend for you.

I’m soso excited and I can’t wait to get into it. Keeping motivated is the key! Taking action is a start and progress is results. Keep up with that, and you’ll feel so good!






A 17 year old from England aspiring to be a, Promoter, social media influencer, fitness freak and a travel blogger/vlogger around the world