Write what you can’t be.

Be an explorer in the Google-era.

Irene Bitjoli
Fit Yourself Club
2 min readOct 9, 2017


Credit: Google Images.

Mostly my stories is about 30s-40s people who’s struggling with their lives. Writers. Surgeons/doctors. Politicians. President. Secret Agents. Etc.And I’m just 14 years old, searching up things I’ve never learned before and create it as a character of my story.

I want to be a doctor. But it’s really complicate to learn all of medical things. But why not I write a story about doctor? With just writing hundreds of paper about a story of a doctor, I already gained a knowledge for free from the internet*google* and don’t have to take medical school. Well, I know it’s still complicate, but actually, is not. It just the matter of you developing your language/word of the storyline or I mean all medical terms.

I’m not the smartest student in school, or whatsoever. But by writing a story, I feel smarter than in school. I feel that the way of my mind think, it just different.

And what writer in the millennium era should take advantage of is google. Because its have millions of source you can get there, you need take your mind further.

Don’t limit your imagination on what you can write, or just something you know. But think beyond that, or even higher. And it’s important to develop our ways of thinking things more mature.

You can make anything by writing — C.S. Lewis.

By that, we eventually can create our own universal world*multiple universe of fiction. We don’t have to pay thousands of dollar to go to university again to attend another major, we don’t have to travel around the world and places. Eventually all we (writers) have to is, read more and write more. (Quote, Stephen King.) And stays inside our imagination.

That’s the thing about becoming a writer, you can explore to things you never explore in more deepest way. Becoming a writer is a special thing, because

You can be anybody you want, just write it.

And one last thing, don’t be afraid of failing from you fantasy that incredible magical, and when you open your eyes, isn’t what you expecting.


Because it’s just a beginning of a greater reality than you expecting.

