Yoga. For Efficient Supermen and Superwomen.

Angela Shurina
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2016


This year I started with a 10-day water fast.

But it’s not about that today.

It’s about daily yoga practice and why YOU should start one too.

During that water fast I couldn’t do much weight training in the gym. I couldn’t do much of anything really.

But I couldn’t do nothing either. Just not me. So I decided to commit to daily, 2 times a day, yoga practice.

Same routine, twice a day, for 10 days.

Yoga for Athletes with Kimberly Fowler. That’s the one I really like.

I thought I’d get weaker in the gym. I thought I’d lose a lot of weight and muscle mass, muscle strength. I didn’t want that to happen, because it took so long to build it up, after my motorbike accident. But I knew that fasting would bring huge benefits to my overall health and I committed to my fasting schedule (1-day fasts weekly, 3-day each month, 7–10-day each season).

I decided to go for it. Besides, I know that whatever I lose, I will gain back fast after the fast. It’s always easier to build back the progress, once you’ve done it once or many times before. Your body kind of knows what to do once you’ve done it once.

10 days. Yoga twice, sometimes 3 times a day. There were days, when I felt like doing nothing but staying in bed, but surprisingly, after an hour of yoga I always felt better.

10 days.

I did not lose much weight at all. Don’t think I lost any muscle weight just got leaner really. Lost water.

Strength? Went to the gym. Before the fast and yoga my pull-ups were about 1–2 full pull-ups. After the fast did 15 in one set! Unassisted.

I was blown away honestly. I did no pull-ups during my fast! And I lost 2 kilos only.

And after a week in the gym my gains got back to where they were and now I feel like it’s time to build up further.

About gains later. But yoga…

I realized that fast as beneficial as I know it was for my body couldn’t do all the good.

It was lots of yoga. And breathing. AND meditation. That all comes built-in with proper practice.

I felt like a superhuman! Still do.

I never felt my body that well. Never felt my mind that well.

Everyday life feels very different now.

It’s like I can almost touch the moment…

But that’s just one of “small” improvements of quality of my life.

Why do I believe everyone should practice yoga daily? Even for a few minutes. I practice 90 minutes daily now. Just can’t stop after those 10 days.

Why yoga daily:

  • Because it’s fun. “Good for you” kind of fun.
  • Because it’s effective and efficient: it works on body, mind and spirit. Gives me the MOST benefits in the least amount of time.
  • Because I can do it anywhere — did it on the plane.
  • Because it requires no equipment — sometimes the only thing I have is some space, time and my body.
  • Because it works on all my muscles, even the ones I didn’t know I had.
  • Because it improves all other areas of fitness as well at the same time.
  • Because it makes me more mindful.
  • Because it teaches me to be pro-active instead of reactive.
  • Because it makes my brain works better. Makes me a better learner.
  • Because there is always space for improvement in every movement.
  • Because I can adjust it to my style, my pace, make it MY practice, just as I like it.
  • Because I can do it no matter what shape I’m in and I can always improve, get better — yoga was the first practice I started after my motorbike accident. — That’s when I realized that I was really in a bad shape physically.
  • Because it teaches me to live my life better and makes me a better human being.
  • Because it makes me happier.
  • Because it’s just beautiful and I love it.
  • Oh yeah, it makes your gut healthier without any probiotics AND THAT makes you healthier exponentially!

Think yoga is girlish or for the pussies?

Think you are too strong and advanced for it?

Try P90X yoga for starters with all the variations, push-ups in-between. See how you feel. Or keep plank posture for a couple of minutes.

Still think yoga is for weak people?

I took my bodybuilders friends through some shorter yoga routines and, maaan, those 100 kg + guys, pure muscle, were sweating more, than I ever saw them sweating ever. They were kind of embarrassed that a tiny girl half their weight could do it so easily. And not even all the stretches. Just a few full sun salutations and they were breaking the sweat. A lot.

Man, I’m having fun taking those guys on a yoga journey.

And the best part? They all admitted, that after regular practice even a couple of times a week, their results in the gym improved!



They not only were recovering better but also they were working on smaller muscles they don’t usually work on during the usual routines.

And that, what yoga does — it works on everything. Even things you didn’t think you need to work on.

One advice to make the practice bring more benefits and to make it easier.

Always remember.

Yoga is a breathing practice.

It’s all about breathing.

Life is too, by the way.

Life too is a breathing practice.

The better your breathing is, the better your life is.

Time to do yoga! What are you waiting for?

For simple start just search for videos on youtube. As short or long as you want, for any level.

I’d start with something like sun salutations.

