Meghan Stewart
1 min readJan 22, 2016

You can eat eggs everyday. Everyday.

Even if you have high cholesterol. Even if you are overweight. You can eat the yolks. You don’t have to suffer through an unsatisfying egg white omelette ever again.

“But eggs are full of cholesterol!” -Hypercholesterolemia pt circa 2015

This is a non-issue. We’re past that. Eating cholesterol does not raise your body’s cholesterol. Dietitians have known this for a while, but now it’s a part of the new 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. You can eat eggs. You don’t need to limit them to “5 per week” or “8 per week” or whatever your cardiologist told you while he was prescribing you a statin.

Yes, eggs have some saturated fat and too much saturated fat can raise your cholesterol. You would have to eat 14 eggs per day to go over the daily saturated fat limit with eggs alone. Don’t eat 14 eggs per day. Eat a reasonable amount, like 2 or 3, and choose some other foods.

Eggs yolks are special because they contain basically all the nutrients needed for a chicken embryo to develop and grow. Eat the yolk. It’s full of vitamins, and 40% of the protein in the egg. They will keep you full. You will be happy and nourished.