Your body has a potential to be a Ferrari, why are you satisfied with anything less?

Taja Karner
7 min readJan 27, 2016


Hello my beloved!

New year is perfect for making goals and chasing your dreams right? But no matter in which area do you wish to succeed, you need a good machine to work in. Yes, you need a full functional body! You need a good, tight and relaxing sleeps, you need a good food absorption and digestion. You need great immune system. You need constant level of energy through the day, clear focus, no food addiction, no tiredness, no cravings. If you don’t have all of these, well.. I’m sorry, but you have some work to do. Why? Because there is a better way, you can have all these and enjoy your life more than ever before. Good machine is a crucial thing for big success — in every single area you want it. You have a Ferrari engine, you just have to clean it up, fuel the right gas and challenge it with trainings! :)

A body is in a dynamic balance — it’s never still, it never rest but it always makes sure that the balance is maintained. On the outside the body looks so steady and persist but in reality it does have many amplitudes up and down every day (I could say every second). Every single micro part of your body has it’s own function, every cell, every molecule — nothing is lead by a coincidence. Every action has its reaction. Every action with and in our body has its consequences. But yes, there are mistakes — it’s assumed that approximately 1 million cancer cells are produced everyday due to mistakes. You might say 1mio is huge number! But that’s a very, very small number once you know that your body produce around 50mio cells every second, yes second! And guess what… your body is capable of cleaning/destroying those cancer cells all by itself. Isn’t that amazing? I’m impressed by our machine every time I think about it. So if our body is so amazing, why does sometimes happen that things go out of order?

Yes what is happening in the body very much depend on how we treat it and what we put inside. We have an amazing system for cleaning up the mess but you have to know that as you have a limited time and energy and time per day — so thus your body. That means that as you are not able to do all the work you need to do in one day, so cannot the cells in your body. Your body needs energy to regenerate and reproduce your cells; it needs energy to breathe, to keep your organs working, to digest food, to think, to walk, to workout, to feel, to control microorganism that enter your body, to clean up the air you breath, to eliminate the toxins eaten…etc. It has a lot of work. But what can you do to help? How can you allow your body to have more energy to clean up the mess?

First of all… if your plan is to paint your room but you have very messy room full of stuff… you cannot just start painting right? Even though this is your primary goal. So if you have any damaged/cancer cells in your body but on the other hand you throw all the junk food inside of you, you make a lot of mess to your body everyday. So instead of cleaning what is super necessary, your body keep on cleaning the mess you make everyday. And the mess grow larger every day. Just to be sure — we are all making a mess since we start breathing :) But everyday that a body is too busy cleaning up the mess, some necessary work is not done. It’s not something our eye can see. But it is something that becomes significant over years. Drop the belief that you immediately get ill — any chronicle disease is a result of your lifestyle throughout years. So ask yourself: “Did you help your body today with self-healing and did as little mess as possible?” Not sure? Let me tell you what you should do to make things easier.

1. Avoid additives in your food

The easiest way to eat healthier when it comes to making less mess is to eat whole food only. Forget about packed and ready-to-go plastic toxic boxes. :) I’m not interested in discussing whether something as an additive is toxic or not — I believe whatever it’s not essential for our body to eat it’s a waste of energy to consume. So yes, organic is a way to go, but that’s a next level (even with only living in EU you are in a way better situation than me :D ). Start with consuming whole veggies, fruits, unprocessed meat, wild-caught fish, seeds, nuts, freshly pressed juices, smoothies… Read a label but it’s even better if there is no label :P Next step is to eat what your body really needs. Here comes our turn, we are glad to help everyone. Wherever you need help — let it out in a PM. :)

2. Relax — without overthinking!

So obvious but so precious. When you relax, not just with sitting down, but when you relax mentally, without thinking about anything — that’s when you don’t bother your body and allow it to do the necessary work. I hardly believe that the should-be-legal Cannabis is beneficial for different diseases mainly due to its effect on relaxation. Stress and overthinking take way too much energy and drive the body away from being focused in healing itself. You don’t need drugs to come to relaxing stage, but you do need practice. You have to practice to clear your mind, be present, be aware, be consciousness, be here and now. Yes, it’s not easy. I’m not where I want to be with relaxation either. But there is NATURE and there are many great meditation & yoga couches online and for sure also in your city. Check them up, it might be the greatest experience ever.

3. Do the workout

Here we are again. We cannot finish this post without talking about workout. Yes, it does took energy from your body, but it does give so much back! During workout you kind of come to relaxation of your mind. So after a workout you start a new day no matter what happened to you before. Whenever you are sad, anxious or too much into thinking — that’s when you need a workout to reset. It will also increase your endorphins, hormones that feel so good — that’s why after workout you feel lighter, fresh, happier and more alive. It’s a feeling you get addicted to. Workout is a stress for your body, but it’s kind of beneficial stress practice that helps you create the best machine that can overcome real-life stressful situation easier. And it’s necessary if you want your Ferrari to come to life :)

4. Allow your body to do the work

Don’t overeat. Don’t stress with eating. Make a juice day. Detox your body. Drink teas, skip coffee. People back in history used to go without eating for days before hunting an animal/finding something to eat. Do you think it’s normal you get all anxiety and stress out when you just skip your lunch for few hours? I’d say that is addition. Yes, it’s normal you get a bit hungry over time, but having those survival cravings that you feel like you gonna die if you don’t eat soon? Average man has fat tissue for 3 months of surviving, so why your body don’t just create energy from those fat curves that don’t want to go away anyway? Once again, your body has limited amount of energy and it will always wants to do things on easiest way possible. And yes, it’s so much easier to make you feel hungry and wait for food (carbs) than to transform fat into energy inside of you. If your body haven’t use your fat for a while, it’ll also forget that there is any fat available — so why not create more of it? That’s a death circle. So once again: Don’t overeat. Eat slowly and put less on your plate as your eyes want to eat. Don’t stress with eating. Make a fasting/juice day. Make a fasting/water day. Drink enough water. Detox your body. Take a good rest. Sleep in darkness. Let your body heal itself.

More on this and many other topics in next posts :)

Now let’s clean up that mess :D

Greetings from Toronto,
Your Ordinary Cookie :*



Taja Karner

Ordinary Cookie who decide to live extraordinary life!