What You Need To Eat Exactly To Boost Your Sex Drive

Amelia Barker
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2017

Stress can wreak havoc on your life, even in ways that you might not expect. More and more, those that are in the throes of stressful situations are also dealing with a lacking libido and sex drive as well. Stress isn’t the only reason that this might happen, but there are ways to help bolster your libido with your dietary choices and some lifestyle changes.

Go for fat.

You might not realize the correlation between testosterone and cholesterol. Keeping your cholesterol levels in check means that your body is producing the appropriate amounts of testosterone. To keep this functioning normally, you should stick to snacks like seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) and various types of nuts. When cooking, you should use coconut oil or olive oils.

Whole eggs are excellent brain food, rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats as well. Avocados are also a good choice because they reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises good cholesterol levels to a higher point. This in kind helps your body make more testosterone.

Keep those minerals high.

Oysters and chocolate: two foods that are notorious for being aphrodisiacs. While they are effective in getting you in the mood, this mostly is due to the higher levels of zinc and magnesium in them. Similar to the oysters and chocolate, shellfish bone and meat bone broths also have higher levels of zinc, collagen and Vitamin A. Combined, these are a powerful booster for your testosterone production.

Explore the maca connection.

Superfoods are all the rage, but this is one that I discovered several years ago in Peru that is really starting to catch on now. When taken orally, Maca root boosts testosterone and offers antioxidant properties and energy. Lots of vitamins and minerals in the root as well, including: Vitamins B, C, and E as well as Zinc, Magnesium and Calcium.

While it might be the same root that helps athletes train harder, it also helps the average libido, fertility, hormonal balance and eases menopausal symptoms. It is easy to incorporate into drinks like smoothies or even warmer drinks. Start small with your dosage. Too much too fast could leave you with an upset stomach.

Decrease your stress.

Stress is such a libido killer, but it is hard to avoid entirely. Without the proper management of stress, it will eventually and effectively reduce desire, hormonal balances and overall mood. How do you get the stress out of the bedroom, though?

You might want to start with a time-honored supplement from India known as ashwagandha. This is an excellent thing for reducing overall stress, but additionally it boosts production of testosterone in both genders.

Quick Tip: Alcohol isn’t as sex friendly as you think. It can negatively affect your libido, so drink with caution.

