Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017


The word is out, exercise is medicine!

Why do you work out?Do you do it to stay fit and healthy? Do you do to look a certain way or feel a certain thing? Here is a thought, have you ever thought of exercise as medicine? Unfortunately many still view it as a tool to reach shortsighted goals related to improving performances or aesthetic improvements. Those participating in regular physical activity to achieve these goals are often disheartened when they are not met. While regular physical activity will allow you to reach these goals, there is so much more to exercise than meets the eye. On a side note, all physical activity should be conducted under the advisement of your doctor.

Exercise and your health

If it is not yet obvious, exercise is good for your health. From reducing back pain and discomfort through to increasing flexibility, with the correct guidance, physical activity will look to improve it all. Furthermore regular exercise has been proven to relieve the pain of arthritis, whilst protecting joints through increasing strength to surrounding muscles. Lastly, regular exercise has been proven to improve insulin metabolism, resulting in a decrease in the risk of diabetes. The list goes on and on.

Exercise and your heart

Many don’t realise this though but your heart is a muscle and in order for it to work and function well it must be maintained. It has been proven that regular physical activity can prevent the onset of heart disease. Not to mention exercise such a swimming, jogging and even walking have been proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Exercise and mental health

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, exercising is often the last thing you want to do. Whilst the relationship between exercise and the effects of anxiety or depression are not clear cut, exercise releases “feel good” chemicals that have been said to ease the effects of depression and anxiety. Regular exercise can also improve confidence levels, making you feel better about being you.

Exercise and your mind

Do you find you ever struggle with staying alert and concentrating on more than one thing at a time. Research has shown that regular exercise releases chemicals that are key for concentration and memory.

So there you have it. Using exercise as a form of medicine may actually improve your health, you just need to get moving.

Whilst exercise may not ever outweigh the benefits of medicine completely, if you start early, the long term benefits will surely outweigh with short term ones.



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