Exercising in the Cold

Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2017


“Summer bodies are built in winter”, isn’t that the saying? I know all my Australian readers are feeling it at the moment. It is cold, it is dark and it is rainy. Not ideal conditions for exercising to say the least. Add to this a warm house and bed, let’s be serious why would you want to leave it for the sub freezing weather. Okay, so we may not have -0 degrees weather in sunny Brisbane, but you get my jist. It is cold and no one likes exercising in the cold. How then do you stay motivated? How can you continue with your exercise routine in these cooler months? Can you really achieve the summer body you’ve always wanted in winter? Of course you can! You just need a little dedication and a whole lot of listening to my ideas. They have helped me get through the coldest of winters and they should get you well on your way to achieving health and fitness glory!

Take it inside

This seems like a no-brainer. Find a local gym, jump on a treadmill, join a class or lift some weights. If you find your knowledge of equipment is limited, ask for help. There are often PT’s in every corner of most gyms who are more than willing to lend a hand. Or better still turn to YouTube, there quite literally millions of free workouts at your disposal, all of which you can do from the comfort of your home.

Remember to drink up

Most people often forget to stay hydrated during the colder months, purely because they don’t feel thirsty (I know I am guilty of it). However, it is equally as important to remain hydrated, especially if you are going to continue to be active. Just do what I do, keep a 2L bottle of water on you at all times, with an aim to drink it throughout the day. And then finish the day off with a good 600ml bottle skull before bed. Nothing better!

Rug up

I rarely meet people that actually enjoy being cold, so if you are going to take your exercise outside layer up. Long tights, t-shirts and jumpers are great accessories that are not too restricting. Plus layers can be taken off if you happen to warm up. I personally am a fan of adding the beanie and gloves as well, but I really hate the cold.

Warm up

There is nothing more important than including a warm up in your exercise regime, especially if you are taking it outside. Ensure you get your heart rate up, increasing the blood circulation to your muscles, tendons and ligaments. This physically prepares the body for the strenuous activity it is about to undertake. Better yet your warm up can be as simple as a light jog or even a active stretch, depending on how active you want to be.

Make it part of your schedule and stick to it

Write it down in your diary, set reminders to pop up on your phone, do whatever you have to remind you to get moving. The more you see it you’ll start to feel guilty for missing it time and time again.

When should exercise in the cold weather be avoided?

I know I have spent the entire blog discussing how and why you should exercise in the cold, but there are circumstances that occur which should signal to you to hang up the runners and just drink a cup of hot tea. If you’re sick stay indoors, it is that simple. Furthermore, exercising when muscles are already compromised can lead to further injury. Those who have Asthma should avoid exercising in the cold unless they have consulted their doctor, as the dry air can bring on an asthma attack.

As you can see there really is no excuse. No matter the time of year exercise, especially outdoor exercise can increase energy levels and according to research it can decrease stress and depression symptoms. In the cold your body has to work harder, therefore endorphin production is increased often leading to a joyful state of mind.

Naomi Wallis

Product Manager

Naomi speaks all things functional movement. She loves it so much, she adopted it into her daily fitness routine. To say sport was ingrained in Naomi is an understatement.

In fact, she loved it so much, she went on to study sports science at university and has worked for some of the best NRL teams in the country.

Her world is revolved around the sport and she brings this enthusiasm to the table every single day.




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