Fall in Love with Running… Again

Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2017


There was a time, long ago when I loved running. Nothing made me feel better. The clear blue skies above me, the green grass at my feet. What more could I ask for. I went out and bought road running shoes and a FitBit to track where I went and the distance I travelled. There was nothing that could stand in my way. Until one day it did. I had lost the spark. The shoes had been hung up and I could not see them coming down for quite a while. The days turned into months and before I knew it a year a passed since I had last hit the pavement. Don’t get me wrong, I did hop on the treadmill every once in awhile and hated it. So what changed? How did I fall in love with running again? I remembered the benefits of it and how I could make it enjoyable for myself.

Why you should love running

Running is a form of exercise, therefore it must be good for you, but why? Studies have shown that running regularly, reduces the risks of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and stroke to name a few. Many may not know this, running is a weight bearing exercise, therefore it strengthens muscles and helps build strong bones. Lastly, it builds up cardiovascular fitness, improving the heart muscle and its ability to pump blood around the body while exercising.

Set a goal

There are days when I struggle to run a kilometer, let alone run 5 kilometers. So what do I do on these days? I set myself some goals. If I make it to the light post up ahead I can walk the next past the next four light posts. If I run through the next song, I can walk through the following song. Then it becomes a game and I start to challenge myself. By the end of it, I have covered the distance I wanted to cover without actually realising it.

Interval training

Instead of going for a 10km run every second day, try interval training. This involves short, intense runs, followed by shorter breaks. The distances can be anywhere between 20m and 100m depending on how adventurous you are feeling. You are working the body just as hard, with little to no rest in between. Trust me, it really gets the blood flowing. This form of training is especially beneficial for those wanting to burn unwanted fat.

Music is a great distraction

It is hard to come by a runner these days who does not have their headphones in. Either they are listening to music or if they are feeling extra academic, they may be listening to a podcast of some sort. I find it to be a great distraction and before I know it, I am 15 songs deep and have covered a couple of km’s. However, if you enjoy the peace of just running, leave the headphones at home.

Location, location,location

I am sure you have seen the photos on Instagram from those who enjoy their daily runs around Bondi, through Central Park or around the Arch de triumph. I believe location really does make a difference. It makes me feel motivated if I have something to look at other than cars and broken pavement. Not to mention these particular locations generally have a start and end point, which provides a great place for me to start.

At the end of the day, runners are lucky. You don’t require any fancy equipment, other than a great pair of running shoes. You can get out and enjoy the fresh air without running the risk of someone of having to stop and talk.

Naomi Wallis

Product Manager

Naomi speaks all things functional movement. She loves it so much, she adopted it into her daily fitness routine. To say sport was ingrained in Naomi is an understatement.

In fact, she loved it so much, she went on to study sports science at university and has worked for some of the best NRL teams in the country.

Her world is revolved around the sport and she brings this enthusiasm to the table every single day.




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