Motivation, I Need It!

Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2017


Have you ever thought, “Oh I should have gone to the gym today” or “I’ll wake up at 4:30am tomorrow morning and go to the gym before work” or “I really should not have had that whole pizza to myself, I’ll make up for it at the gym tomorrow” or my personal favourite “I’ll start on Monday”. Why is it that some have the drive for success whilst other struggle time and time again. Where does their motivation come from? They aren’t born motivated, they somehow generate motivation. You need to find the focus you once had to take those steps towards putting your health and fitness first. Motivation is something I have struggled with from time to time. I have implemented the below strategies to ensure I keep on track.

Be ambitious

Ambition is your desire for something more. Set your ambitions high. Don’t settle, don’t be afraid to be disappointed when your goals aren’t met the first time round. Keep your ambitions in front of you, to ensure your desire to succeed stays alive. Your ambition should be more than enough motivation for you to wake up every morning and get moving.

Find your training buddy

If you find you need help waking up at 4:30am every morning, find your training buddy. If you don’t show up, you have only let down yourself. You’re more likely to show up if there is someone there waiting for you on the other side. They will make you accountable! Whether this be a friend or your partner ask for their help. Furthermore, training buddies make it fun and if training is fun, you are twice as likely to continue with it. Aline yourself with people who are hungry for success. They have outlined the training goals they want to achieve and they know you can help them achieve their goals, as well as keeping you on track.

Find inspiration

I don’t know about you, but when I am feeling a little down I simply click through to YouTube, type in “motivational words” and am met with hours and hours worth of uplifting content. These words inspire me to get moving, as well as achieve the goals I have set for myself. So whether your inspiration comes from a YouTube video, a book, your children or your friends, find it and let it work for you.

Make time

Being a first time mum I often find myself using the excuse of “Oh I don’t have time” probably more than I should. Often it is true, I genuinely feel as though I don’t have the time. Working full time and looking after a baby may not seem like a lot, but there are days where 5pm comes around way too quickly. I now have to schedule my workouts to the same time everyday to ensure I get them done. I always know the time is coming up, therefore I always ensure i am free.

Just do it

As the Nike saying goes “Just do it”.

Make today the day you choose to be different. You are the only one stopping you from achieving your goals, whether this be in health and fitness or in any other one of your life paths. Make it the day you decide to change your old habits. No matter how bad it ever is, say to yourself “I will make it, today will be different”.The hardest part of any journey is getting started. It is the momentum that keeps you on track.

Naomi Wallis

Product Manager

Naomi speaks all things functional movement. She loves it so much, she adopted it into her daily fitness routine. To say sport was ingrained in Naomi is an understatement.

In fact, she loved it so much, she went on to study sports science at university and has worked for some of the best NRL teams in the country.

Her world is revolved around the sport and she brings this enthusiasm to the table every single day.




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