Why You Should Really Be Tracking Yourself

Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2017


Remember the good old times where all you needed was a pen and some paper to write everything down in order to remember something. Well these days you don’t need to get out a pen and paper to get it all down, you can simply download an app or type it in your reminders list. Call me old fashion but I prefer the old method of writing everything down, I know if I write it down I am more likely to get it done.

This brings to me to the next topic for my blog series, tracking, tracking and tracking. Working with clients in the past I have realised that if they are serious about making life changes, it is essential for them to track their progress not just in the gym but in their life. Why you ask? Because in order for the everyday individual to stay motivated, they need to see progress and improvement to stay motivated.

Break the cycle

We have all been there before. It’s new year’s eve and your resolution is to get fit and healthy. You will keep it up this time around and you say to yourself this year will be different. First week in and you are feeling good, but then the soreness sets in. You take a day or two off one week, which leads to a couple of days off the following week and before you know it you have fallen back into the same old pattern. The only difference is it is harder than ever to get out of it and it is six months before you give the gym a go again. Tracking your progress will get you out of that “funk”, it will make you accountable. Once you are accountable, you will be less likely to fall off the bandwagon.

Think food diary

Most may not see the benefit of a food diary. They see it as inconvenient or time consuming with no long term benefit. Why then are food diaries important and how can they help you stay on track?

  1. They stop you from eating when you aren’t actually hungry. I think it is safe to say we are all guilty of this at one stage or another. We eat when we are bored and more often than not we consume foods high in sugar and fat. Eating these foods easily derails our health plans.
  2. Writing down how you feel after eating certain foods can provide insights into food intolerance you may not have ever been aware. Food intolerance can often be the sign of internal issue which may require the eyes of medical or nutritional personnel.
  3. Point number three and probably the biggest point is they highlight how much food you are actually consuming, something a lot of individuals don’t actually realise, until it is written down in front of them. Taking note of how much food you consume is one sure fire way to decrease or improve your eating patterns. If you consume healthier foods, you are much more likely to try to adopt a somewhat healthy lifestyle.

Monitor your PB’s

When you go into the gym, do you know what you are doing and exactly how much you have lifted in the past? The simple answer is probably not, especially if you have not been monitoring your performances. Monitoring your personal bests will highlight your improvements which in turn will improve your motivation to continually strive for better results.

Track your workouts

Taking note of your workouts will highlight how much you have done and therefore allow you to see how much you are capable of. If you managed to squat 30 unbroken last week, try and do 40 this week. If you benched pressed 40kg, try for 45kg. This will make you push yourself, however not past what you are capable of.

If I have learned anything over the years of being a personal trainer, it is that if you are ready to take the plunge into the health and fitness environment, tracking your life will allow you to go after and get the results you want.



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