New Year, New Drama!

Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2017

Heeeeee….re we go folks! Happy 2017! What I’m NOT going to do is list out a whole bunch of New Year’s resolutions — as the mighty Vinnie Tortorich says in his banging podcast, “DON’T MAKE New Year’s resolutions.

They never work — instead just do what I’ve done.

As usual Dhruv hadn’t thought things through

Only go and start a fitness platform, talk about how you’re going to run a marathon, start doing muscle-ups, lift loads of weight at the gym and generally go against 39 years of habit to try and get fit; talk about it incessantly on social media and with your friends so that you’re forced to actually spend 2017 getting fit! Either that or end up looking like a damn fool in 12 months.

So there it is folks — I’ll be doing quite a bit. I’m putting all my training runs up on the App, have a look-see and feel free to come and join me if you’re in the area! I had my training plans up over the holidays when I was in Dubai as well (and believe it or not I actually got hit up by an old acquaintance who plodded along on one run. Talk about a good way to catch up!)

If you click on the actual session, it will tell you where I am training (hint! I’m in Richmond so it will be in one of the various parks in the borough) and will allow you to join me is you so wish!

Come along! Long runs can get pretty boring and I need all the company I can get. Like I said, I’m not particularly fit — if I can do it so can you!

I’m also really happy that my mad travel with Aztec Exchange is slowing down. This means I can FINALLY get back to the awesome Blitz Crossfit in Twickenham and use my non-running training days to do a bit of core! I cannot recommend them enough people!

On-wards and upwards I say!

Dhruv’s been feeling awesome after all his training runs!




At FITINFINITE we’re trying to break down the barriers to fitness, exercise and health for everyday, ordinary folk (like us!).