The Importance Of The 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

Mike Castaldo
#FITN Unfiltered
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2015

This past winter I wrote an op-ed that was published in our local paper “Foster’s Daily Democrat” that outlined the important role that the Granite State plays in the presidential election process.

Please take a look!

To the editor: This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the First-In-The-Nation Primary in New Hampshire. Our cherished primary allows Granite Staters a way to directly select candidates rather than delegates, granting us a unique and outsized role in the presidential process. It's a role that we all — Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Undeclared — take very seriously.

As a New Hampshire voter and proud activist I believe I have a responsibility to attend multiple campaign events, no matter how small, and ask those who might be president tough questions about where they stand on the issues. FITN has become a cornerstone of the presidential process, and I believe New Hampshire has a duty to engage the candidates face-to-face, providing them the chance to grow, the chance to be heard and the chance to better understand conversations taking place in our living rooms and dining rooms.

It's what Granite Staters do. It's to the entire nation's benefit. And, we're very good at it.

As the excitement builds toward the primary early next year there will be literally hundreds of events, house parties, business tours, picnics, parades and town hall meetings happening across the state. I urge you to attend as many as you can!

Over the years I have had the honor and privilege to meet with many of the presidential hopefuls on both sides of the aisle that come to our state to campaign. I have been able to talk to them one-on-one about the issues that I care most about, issues such as strengthening our national security by curbing world hunger and advocating for the freedom to marry for all individuals.

This presidential cycle, with a full year still left to go before New Hampshire votes, there is ample opportunity for us to make a difference by shining a light on key issues facing our great nation. For example, a recent poll shows that most Republicans in NH care about protecting our environment. I know that I certainly do. Therefore, one of my questions to each Republican candidate will be “What is your plan to protect our energy, economic and climate security?” I look forward to hearing what their answer will be.

What issue will your question be about?

Finally, in anticipation of a busy year and with the hope that many of you will join me on the trail in 2015, I offer a few simple tips for what I've found to be the best way to interact with the candidates. In short, be polite, be brief, be prepared, ask for a picture and don't be afraid to talk to the press! But most of all, have fun. You are helping make history and you should enjoy it!

I am proud to support CRES’s efforts in #FITN



Mike Castaldo
#FITN Unfiltered

A strong voice for good, #FITN Issue Activist, CRES supporter, former member of the Marine Corps Reserves, former candidate for the NH State House