How to stay healthy

Claire Thomas
Fitness Blogs By: Claire Thomas
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Fitness is not just about exercising, but it is also about the foods you eat and how you take care of yourself. I am a teenager myself and sometimes it is hard for me to stay healthy and fit when my parents buy the groceries. Being a kid and wanting to stay healthy can sometimes be difficult. Here are some tips about staying healthy when your parents are unhealthy.

First, you need to share the idea with your family. Tell them you want to start eating healthy. Next you want to make sure you are eating the right things for a healthy balanced diet. Make sure it includes carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. An easy tip for healthy foods is to find substitutes of your favorite junk foods! They now have so many healthier versions of the foods you are probably eating. Another tip is to just have smaller portions. An easy trick for this is to serve your food on a smaller plate so it tricks your mind. Going along with that and small portions, drink more water. I know this is so basic but I promise drinking lots of water helps out your body so much! The next tip is what I love to do. Presenting your foods in a attractive way. This sounds silly but it works! Showing off your healthy food as also a “pretty food” really makes you want to eat it even more. Also, if you are ever craving some sweets, there are healthier cooking methods! Even if you want to change canola oil for vegetable oil. It just as simple as that!

Hopefully these simple and easy tips can help you start a healthier life!

