Why you need a fitness plan. (Persuasive)

Claire Thomas
Fitness Blogs By: Claire Thomas
2 min readDec 11, 2018

There are so many different types of fitness plans out there. So why do we still not want to follow them? It is because of processed foods. Fitness not only makes your body look good, but it also makes you feel good. After I go to the gym and then go home and cook something delicious and healthy, it makes me feel so good. There is no other feeling like it! My favorite fitness plan is called the 80/20. It is a great way to lose the most amount of weight. Most weight loss plans are more about what you eat, then how much you workout. The 80/20 is 80% food/ lifestyle and 20% gym. This fitness plan is all about you. None of us have the same body type, genetics, or metabolisms. What works for me not might work for you! Fitness is all about trial and error. Here are some starting tips to get you motivated!

Don’t Diet, just eat healthier! The 80/20 is super focused on weight loss and wanting to achieve a flat tummy. You do not need to hit an exact ratio to shed pounds, but it is important to mainly focus on your diet. You can lose weight without exercise but it will be difficult to lose weight if your diet is unhealthy. BUT if you workout and eat healthy, imagine what you can achieve. :))

Increase your water intake. Half of your weight in ounces is a healthy amount of water for your body. If you weigh 120 pounds, you should be drinking 60 oz of water or more everyday. If you are bloated from a meal, drink more water! This helps especially when you are working out.

Avoid salty foods. Too much salt will make you retain more fluid which contributes to bloating as well as extra water weight. Try to stay away from extra salt on your food and also salty sauces and mayo based dressings.

Detox water. Try to cut out all of those sugary and soda drinks. You can replace with this easy detox water recipe. You need: 1 tbsp grated ginger, 1 cucumber sliced, 1 lemon sliced, 1/3 cup of mint leaves. Let the mixture infuse over night and drink the next day!

I hope these simple tasks will help you get in the motivation to start your own type of fitness plan!

