Fitness Over 50 | 15.04 miles | It’s Never Safe -Protect Yourself!

Marvin McKenzie
Fitness After Fifty
2 min readJan 30, 2018


Got out for a 15.04 mile bicycle ride today. There was a threat of rain but it turned out to be a beautiful day for this ride. When I got home I spent about 17 minutes doing a chest and shoulders weights workout on my Weider Pro3200 gym.

The majority of my route has very good designated bicycle lanes. There are two places on the route that I choose to use the crosswalks instead of joining in with traffic. While the traffic is usually just too heavy for me to feel safe trying to merge in with them, the crosswalks are much safer. The signal says it is safe to cross — but I still need to protect myself, as you will see.

Hey! I created a new team on an app called Charity Miles. They have sponsors who pay 10 cents per mile for cycling and 25 cents per mile for walking or running to the charity you select. I selected Wounded Warrior Project. My team is @Christians_Care. I invite you to join me.

I give my YouTube vlogs the main title of “Fitness Over 50.” It is my goal to build a community of like minded riders whose purpose is to get and stay active and fit into their senior years. At 59, I see myself as just entering those years. I am not as fit as I would like to be, but neither am I trying to become a superstar athlete. I am becoming more fit all the time with:
-Regular cycling,
-Frequent resistance training and
-Ketogenic/Intermittent Fast eating
-Ice packs (thermogenesis)
are the main elements to my fitness plan.

I recently got a cash back rebate of $130 from Dubli Online Shopping Mall. That makes $1327 back in my bank from online purchases (in 25 months time) I would have made these purchases anyway. Getting this money back is fantastic!

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Notice: I do not endorse or agree with everything I hear on the podcasts I make reference to.



Marvin McKenzie
Fitness After Fifty

Pastor, self published Amazon Author, avid student of the Bible. teacher of the Word of God in college level . Daily visit with God