3 Signs your health is deteriorating

Meghna Chaturvedi
fitter & better
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2021

In times when our health should be our first priority, I’m here with a blog to talk about some signs that your health is deteriorating. Now, there’s nothing to be afraid of and I’m not here to make anyone worried. Instead, this blog can help you in becoming aware and careful of things that are having adverse effects on your body. Hence, if you find out that you are facing any of these symptoms or any of these signs are applicable to you, then work on it, learn from your mistakes and your health will start improving. So, let’s begin!!

  1. Being absent-minded: It is one of the most common signs that show there’s something wrong with your health. Now, there can be times when you don’t feel like doing anything but that’s a different case. If you don’t find interest in doing what you usually love to do or you aren’t able to focus on things that really matter to you or if simply, you’re being confused and messing up on simple things then probably you are being absent-minded. This shows that you aren’t taking care of your health and hence your mental well-being is getting affected too.

2. Falling sick every other day: If you fall sick every other day for one reason or the other, then it shows that your immune system has gotten weak and is finding difficulty to protect your body from diseases. You should take care of your immunity since it plays a vital role in keeping you safe from diseases. We are all stuck in a pandemic and your immune system has to be strong enough to fight any kind of virus.

3. Having stomach related problems: If you often face stomach related problems like- stomach upset or vomiting or constipation, then that’s another red flag for you. And you need to be more careful in keeping your gut in a healthy state. Moreover, Ayurveda says that the root cause of every problem in your body is your stomach’s condition. Hence, if your gut is healthy then almost every organ of your body will function efficiently.

I have some basic solutions too which can help you in becoming healthy.

  1. Exercising: I know you might have heard this tip from every other person but trust me, I myself was a person who used to get tired just by hearing the word, “exercise.” But exercising daily in any form, be it an intense workout, dancing, walking, running, etc. can do wonders to your health. You will feel confident in your body. All you need to do is move your body in a way you enjoy. Being lazy won’t fetch you anything. Even if you aren’t trying to lose weight, exercising will make your body and mind feel alive.

2. Keeping check on your water intake: Make sure to drink enough water in a day. Don’t drink lots of water at once else you’ll have to rush to the washroom every now and then. Whenever you feel like you are hungry at unusual times of the day, most probably it’s just that you’re thirsty. Drinking enough water can come with hell lot of benefits for your hair, skin and overall body.

3. Practicing a hobby: If you have a hobby, give some time to it on a daily basis and try to master your hobby. Like for me, one of my hobbies is to write and I always try to grow my writing skills. If you will keep practicing your hobbies then you’ll be able to become good at it day by day and further it’ll make you confident. This will be really good for your mental health.

Hence, I hope you got an idea of where you’re going wrong and do work on those mistakes and I’m sure you’ll be able to lead a healthy life:)

Source: Google Images

