Chocolate, PB & Banana Wrap

Sounds delicious right? 

Daniel Guzman
Fitness Motivation


Well it is delicious! And diet friendly!

Have it as a pre-workout meal or as a post-workout meal. Sweet tooth getting the best of you? Well then, fire this up! It can serve many purposes and it takes no more than 10 minutes to make.

Here’s what you’ll need;

~ 2 Bananas
~ 2 Wraps — I used Tumaro’s a low-carb, high fiber wrap
~ Honey (1 TeaSpoon)
~ Cinnamon
~ Carob Chips (2 servings/30g) — I used SunSpire from Fairway
~ Peanut Butter (All-Natural) (1 TableSpoon)
~ Walnuts (1 oz. — Crushed)

And here is the step by step guide to deliciousness;

~ Fire up a skillet big enough to hold your wrap — heating up 1 wrap at a time — at medium heat for no more than a minute
~ While the wrap is heating up, drizzle some honey and sprinkle some cinnamon
~ After you remove the wrap, proceed to wrap 1 banana with it
~ Set that aside and lets move onto the Peanut Butter & Carob Chips
~ Place 2 servings of Carob Chips and 1 TableSpoon of Peanut Butter in microwave safe bowl. Heat for 25 seconds.
~ Remove, stir a bit & heat for another 20 seconds
~ Spread the mixture onto both banana wraps
~ Crush your walnuts and sprinkle them on top
~ Place in freezer for 5 minutes
~ ENJOY!!!!

~ Daniel Guzman
Aspiring Fitness Motivator
For more Fitness Motivation & Inspiration



Daniel Guzman
Fitness Motivation

“Be better than you were yesterday” — Want to inspire & motivate