Stage Fright 

Take a risk. Step out of your comfort zone. 

Daniel Guzman
Fitness Motivation


“Take a chance!”

“Step out of your comfort zone!”

“Life is all about risks!”

Chances are that you've heard one of these, if not all of them, at least once in your life. While they all hold truth, easier said than done comes to mind. Taking that leap of faith into the unknown is probably one of the hardest things we as people can do. However, taking the path of least resistance can get boring sometimes. At the end of the day, the risk will fail but you’ll be wiser. Or it will pay off and and you’ll be glad you did. It’s a win-win.

April 12, 2014, marked my biggest leap of faith to date. I took a risk, took a chance, stepped way outside of my comfort zone. I competed in my first ever fitness show — the WBFF Fitness Atlantic. I got up on stage in front of hundreds of complete strangers, in nothing but a square cut bathing suit. The hope was that a panel of judges would deem my body/fitness model look the best out of 20+ competitors. 4+ months of hard work, dedication and sacrifice would culminate in a quick 20 to 30 second glance from those judges. Never before had I put myself in such a situation, on such a stage if you will (full pun). The journey to that Saturday the 12th was long and grueling, both mentally and physically. But knowing what I know now, it’s a risk that I would take 10 out of 10 times.

The decision to compete in the WBFF Fitness Atlantic was made right around Christmas time. Perfect gift right? Here’s the gift of strict dieting, intense workouts and a lack of a social life. Wonderful, looks like I was on the nice list this year! The root of my decision was made mostly to inject new life into a passion of mine — fitness. I had grown weary of the monotony of going to the gym, eating right and all that came with living a healthy lifestyle. I needed a catalyst and that catalyst was the Fitness Atlantic.

This was my risk. In an effort to keep a passion alive, I was going to dive into a world that I knew nothing about.

The day after New Year’s, it was all systems go. 110% effort going into changing my body, tracking my diet, controlling the things that I could. Removing myself from the social scene, hitting my posing practice in my living room and missing the everyday freedoms that become more apparent with every day that passed. Was I doing everything right? Would it all be worth it? I didn't know. And that was the hardest part of the whole process; not knowing.

The unknown is perhaps one of the biggest influences on our readiness to take a risk, step out of our comfort zone. We are much more inclined to pursue the path of least resistance. The path that has answers as apposed to the path where we find answers as we go. It is much easier to trust a process we know over one we don’t. Trust I did, however, because I knew that if not now, then when? I knew that had I stopped or quit or “put it off,” I would feel a sense of disappointment. We are all our own harshest critics and disappointment can weight heavily on us. I decided to see it through and regardless of outcome, I could say I did it.

April 12th came faster than I thought. Thanks to the support of family, friends and my coach, I made it to Wallingford, CT — location of the Fitness Atlantic — not only in the best shape of my life but fully ready to embrace the stage. Just kidding, I was a nervous wreck all morning and was working really hard to not sweat so my tan wouldn’t come off. Regardless, when my number was called and my 20 to 30 seconds came and went, I felt an immediate sense of satisfaction, of accomplishment and pure joy. I realized that my success was no longer in the hands of the judges, but rather in mine. Their decision was secondary.

The real prize was knowing that I was able to take a risk and work my hardest to see it through.

The judges, however, decided to make the moment even greater and selected me as the winner of the Fitness Atlantic. I received my pro card and a new fire to attack a passion of mine. My risk paid off in more ways than one. I realized that “comfort” sometimes becomes a safety blanket for us. And that in order to achieve things greater than we could imagine, we need to strip away that safety blanket and go into the unknown. The results can surpass even your greatest expectations.

“Take a risk!”

I did and because of it I will never look at the next one the same.

~ Daniel Guzman
Aspiring Fitness Motivator. WBFF Professional.
For added Fitness Motivation & Inspiration



Daniel Guzman
Fitness Motivation

“Be better than you were yesterday” — Want to inspire & motivate