100,000 Steps in a Day
Walking is the fastest way to reach your weight loss goals
People are always looking for that miracle solution to weight loss. Medically, physically, spiritually, and mentally, we are all trying to justify the reasons why we can’t lose weight or ways around putting in the effort. The key is that losing weight doesn’t take as much thought as people put into it. The process is actually simple, but where should people start? Throw on comfortable clothing, pack an extra pair of socks and bottles of water, get some shoes on, and get walking.
Now, there is no reason that someone needs to walk as much as the challenge to walk 100,000 steps in one day consists of. Better yet, don’t do this because it’s actually too much. Time and time again the importance of rest and recovery is mentioned throughout these articles. That advice, if any, should be the advice that people are taking to heart. Walking those 100k steps took nearly 17 hours. Yes, that’s a lot of time on your feet with very little time to relax. After the halfway point, resting might just result in completely giving up.
100,000 step results