16 Best Home Ab Workouts. No equipment, Bodyweight, Any level

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7 min readOct 19, 2017

Home » 16 Best Home Ab Workouts. No equipment, Bodyweight, Any level

Home ab workouts are one of the best ways to assist you in getting killer looking abs. Of course, it starts with a solid nutrition plan to shed the fat that may be overlying the abs. From there however, you need to have an ab workout that is convenient enough to be done anywhere without requiring equipment.

This home ab workout is one that can be done with absolutely no equipment and at any ability level. How is that?

Home ab workouts are:


This workout is also known as Air Bike

Muscles involved: abdominals, hip flexors

How to perform:

  1. Lie faceup with lower back presses into the floor, hands lightly behind head
  2. Roll shoulder blades about 4” off the floor, lift bent leg to a 90 degree angle, the lower leg straight and parallel to the floor
  3. Simultaneously rotate upper body to bring right elbow to meet left knee as right leg straightens several inches off the floor
  4. With a pedaling motion, repeat on the other side rotating upper body to bring left elbow to right knee as left leg straightens several inches off the floor


  • Do not pull on neck
  • Keep legs several inches off the floor
  • Keep elbows keep pointed out to sides
  • Lower back should remain pressed into the floor at all times

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This workout is also known as Butt Lift, Glute Bridge, Hip Thrust

Muscles involved: glutes, hamstrings, lower back, abdominals

How to perform:

  1. Lie on back with knees bent and soles of feet touching the floor
  2. Press weight into heels to lift hips up
  3. Lift hips until body forms a straight line from shoulders to hips to knees. Breathe out as you perform this part of the motion and hold as long as you can.
  4. Lower hips back down to return to start position


  • Keep core engaged for balance
  • Press shoulder blades back and down into ground
  • Press hands into floor next to hips for extra support

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Muscles involved: core (obliques), shoulder, hip

How to perform:

  1. Lie on your right side with elbow directly under shoulder on the floor, hips and feet stacked
  2. Lift hips up as high as possible while keeping them stacked
  3. Hold position for indicated time


  • Body should form straight line from head through feet at all times
  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Keep hips and shoulders stacked

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Muscles involved: abdominals

How to perform:

  1. Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on floor; place hands crossed on chest
  2. Press lower back into the floor as you roll shoulders up and forward
  3. Shoulder blades lift about 4” off the floor, contract abs at the top
  4. Slowly lower torso back down to floor


  • Do not lock fingers or pull on neck
  • Lower back should remain pressed into the floor at all times

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This workout is also known as Prone Iso Abs

Muscles involved: abdominals, shoulders, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings

How to perform:

  1. Place elbows on floor directly underneath shoulders, lift hips, legs straight behind, feet together and toes curled under
  2. Tense every muscle to keep body in a straight line from head through heels at all times parallel to the floor
  3. Hold this pose for indicated amount of time


  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Do not sink down into shoulders
  • Keep hip down and body in a straight line
  • Breathe slow and steady; do not hold your breath

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Muscles involved: lower abdominals

How to perform:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees up at 90 degree angle.
  2. Put your hands behind your ears and support your head like it’s a ball
  3. Lift your upper body and thighs, and then stretch out.


  • Don’t tug your neck when you get up.

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Muscles involved: abdominals, hip flexors, lower back, quadriceps

How to perform:

  1. Lie faceup with hands on the floor
  2. Press lower back into the floor and lift legs several inches off the floor
  3. Press lower back into the floor and raise both legs to a 90 degree angle
  4. Keep feet together and slowely lower straight legs several inches off the floor


  • Leave head resting on floor throughout entire exercise
  • Keep lower back presses into the floor at all times
  • Bend knees slightly to make easier

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Muscles involved: abdominals

How to perform:

  1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor
  2. Put your arms straight over the top of your head
  3. Lift upper body off the floor, then slowly go back to the start position

Workout Video


Muscles involved: rectus abdominis, obliques

How to perform:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms stretched forward
  2. Then lift your upper body off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return


  • Lower back should remain pressed into the floor at all times
  • Keep core engaged

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Muscles involved: core

How to perform:

  1. Lie down on your stomach and bend your elbows with your hands beneath your shoulders
  2. Push your chest up off the ground as far as possible.
  3. Return to the start position and repeat


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Muscles involved: core (obliques), shoulder, hip

How to perform:

  1. Lie on your left side with elbow directly under shoulder on the floor, hips and feet stacked
  2. Lift hips up as high as possible while keeping them stacked
  3. Hold position for indicated time


  • Body should form straight line from head through feet at all times
  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Keep hips and shoulders stacked

Workout Video


Muscles involved: abdominals, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings

How to perform:

  1. Place hands on floor directly under shoulders, hips lifted, and extend legs with feet together and toes curled under
  2. Tense every muscle to keep body in a straight line from head through heels at all times
  3. Keep left foot straight out behind as you pull right knee in toward chest
  4. Place right foot back down behind you and pull left knee in toward chest


  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Do not hold your breath
  • Spread fingers out and grip floor to make slightly easier

Workout Video


Muscles involved: glutes, hamstrings, triceps, shoulders

How to perform:

  1. Lie face up with one knee bent and feet flat on the floor. The other leg straight at a 45 degree angle
  2. Drive weight in your heel and raise hips for body to form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees
  3. Pause for five seconds — as you keep your core engaged and glutes contracted
  4. Lower hips back down to start position


  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Keep hips squared; one hipbone should never be higher than the other

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This workout is also known as Pointers

Muscles involved: core (Abs), lower back, glutes

How to perform:

  1. Begin on hands and knees with shoulders directly above wrists and hips directly above knees; spine neutral
  2. Straighten right leg out behind you lifting foot up to hip-level, simultaneously left arm reaches forward to lift hand up to shoulder-height
  3. Bring right knee and left hand back down to center in start position


  • Keep both hips and shoulders parallel to floor at all times
  • Keep neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Keep neck in line with spine

Workout Video


Muscles involved: core, hip flexors, quadriceps

How to perform:

  1. Sit on floor with knees bent 45 degree angle and heels several inches above floor
  2. Lean torso back with a 45 degree angle bend in hips while balancing on your sit bones
  3. Rotate torso to tap both hands on floor to the left of your hip
  4. Rotate torso in opposite direction to tap both hands on floor to the right of your hip


  • Keep feet together, neck long, shoulders back and down away from ears
  • Keep hips firmly grounded on floor

Workout Video


Muscles involved: abdominals, hip flexors, lower back

How to perform:

  1. Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on floor wedged under a stable object; place your hands behind your ears
  2. Press lower back into the floor as you roll shoulders up and forward
  3. Contact abdominals to lift torso off floor until elbows touch thighs
  4. Slowly lower torso back down to floor


  • Keep neck in line with spine; shoulders back and down away from ears
  • If no surface is available to wedge feet under, you can hold feet down with heavy objects, like a backpack full of books or a workout buddy

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How to do the workout:

Choose any 5 workouts and perform each exercise for one minute, resting 30 seconds after each workout.

As you get comfortable, you can reduce the rest time. Keep track of your reps, and try to squeeze in more every time you do the workout.

What are your favorite ab workouts for the killer abs? Leave a comment.

Originally published at fittym.com on October 19, 2017.



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