Everything you need to know about Vitamin D and its deficiency symptoms

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5 min readNov 9, 2017

Home » Everything you need to know about Vitamin D and its deficiency symptoms

In this article, I am going to cover the many benefits of vitamin D as well as vitamin D deficiency.

Many people are struggling with vitamin D deficiency.

In fact, according to a lot of medical studies today, they’re showing that quite possibly the top deficiency we have in the world is a vitamin D deficiency and for a lot of us there are several reasons for that.

I will first cover the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Then I am going to get into what’s causing vitamin D deficiency, then go over the best foods, supplements and things you can do to correct this type of issue.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

First and foremost, the big thing that can cause or the big symptoms you might have with a vitamin D deficiency are immune issues.

If you have a weakened immune system, that could be correlated with a vitamin D deficiency.

You have candida or bacterial overgrowth, it can be caused from a vitamin D deficiency.

If you struggle with let’s say emotional ups and downs, like depression and anxiety, that can be a cause.

Hormone imbalance, major cause of vitamin D deficiency.

Have any trouble putting on muscle or losing weight, those are all correlated with a vitamin D deficiency.

Weak bones or teeth, osteoporosis or osteopenia, those are warning signs you have a vitamin D deficiency.

You can see there are a lot of things, and I didn’t even get into certain other things like cancer and diabetes and heart disease, but those are all warning signs you could have a vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is responsible for really supporting a healthy immune response, digestive health, hormone balance, and here’s a key thing to remember.

Vitamin D is not just a vitamin. It’s also a pro hormone.

So it’s responsible for so many hormone producing reactions within your body. You’ve got to have vitamin D.

Biggest causes of vitamin D deficiency

Number one is not getting enough sunlight.

The sun should be your number one source of vitamin D.

We live in a world today where we live inside closed walls.

Especially if you’re in the northern states, whether it be in Canada or northern US or northern Europe or any other cold countries your chances of getting exposure to sun light is minimal.

If you are not getting outside enough and not getting enough direct sunlight on your skin, that will create a vitamin D deficiency.

So starting off, the majority of people are vitamin D deficient because we don’t get outside enough.

And the other thing can be certain chemicals, especially things that are plastic in nature, those can block vitamin D absorption.

So if you’re drinking out of plastic bottles that have something called BPA, that’s bisphenol A, that can cause vitamin D deficiency and really affect the way vitamin D is absorbed and utilized and created by your liver in your body.

The other thing is toxicity. If you’re exposed to toxins on a regular basis, that affects

the liver. Your liver is actually responsible for producing and creating vitamin D within your body.

Toxicity is another major cause of vitamin D deficiency.

How to correct vitamin D deficiency

If you want to start to correct vitamin D deficiency and see improvements in your immune function, in your metabolism, in your hormones and things like your thyroid and your adrenal glands and improving your overall mood and bone strength, you’ve got to get more vitamin D.

Again, your number one source by far is sunlight.

You can go outside 20–30 minutes every single day.

Even if it is cold outside, getting a little bit of sun on your face and hands, it’s so important for getting Vitamin D.

Number one is get sunlight 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Apart from that, certain foods will contain small amounts of vitamin D.

Number one source will be wild caught salmon or fish, so again getting wild caught fish on a regular basis.

Also, raw fermented milk, like a goat’s milk yogurt, may have small amounts of vitamin D, as will mushrooms and eggs.

Those foods are good. But again, it’s only small amounts of vitamin D.

Then the next thing would be take a high quality vitamin D supplement.

You don’t want to take vitamin D2.

You do want to start taking vitamin D3, and there are many forms of this.

There are several good brands out there today. You can actually take it in a capsule form or in a spray bottle form.

Vitamin D is essential to take as a supplement.

For most adults, 2000 to 5000 IUs a day is what’s recommended.

If you have a severe deficiency and you’ve gone and got a vitamin D test done, in thatcase for 1 to 2 months, you might take 5000 IUs 2 times a day.

For the days that you’re not in the sun, you can take 2000 to 5000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily.

Important thing to remember

When you are supplementing with vitamin D3, you want to take it with some fat because it’s a fat soluble vitamin.

So take it with a teaspoon of coconut oil or take it with a fish oil supplement.

But when you are taking vitamin D, you want to take it with some healthy fat like coconut, avocado, or an almond butter.

You’ll want to get it with some healthy fat because it actually improves and increases absorption there as well.

Make sure you’re getting your vitamin D.

It is crucial for immune function, bone health, emotional health, and balanced hormones.

Remember vitamin D, it’s not only a vitamin. It’s a hormone. It’s an immune boosting nutrient that you’ve got to have.

How you are getting your daily Vitamin D?

What is your take on vitamin D supplementation? Do you have anything else you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below.

Originally published at fittym.com on November 9, 2017.



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