How to lose belly fat in 1 week. Men & Women, simple and easy steps

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8 min readOct 22, 2017

Home » How to lose belly fat in 1 week. Men & Women, simple and easy steps

Do you ever think losing belly fat in 1 week is possible? Yes, it is possible

Before we get into the details, first you need to understand how we gain fat

Here are the three equations you need to know

  • Calories consumed < Calories burned = weight loss.
  • Calories consumed > Calories burned = weight gain.
  • 3500 less calories per week = 0.45 kg (1 pound) of fat weight loss.

As per these equations, if you want to lose belly fat you need to reduce the calories you consume on a daily basis.

For a healthy fat loss suggested calorie deficit is 500 calories per day. That means you can reduce 3500 calories intake per week and lose half a kg fat.

This will help you to set the foundation for belly fat loss in a week. You likely won’t reach your final weight loss goals in a week, unless you are only looking to lose half kg to one kg.

In this article you will learn how to reduce belly fat in a week with proper nutrition and active lifestyle.

Here are the steps you should follow in order to lose fat

1) Nutrition

There is a saying that Abs are made in kitchen and that statement hold true.

Reducing abdominal fat is 80% about eating the right food. Have a healthy and balanced diet with required macro and micro nutrients.

Most importantly, avoid processed foods. Eat food prepared at home. If you don’t have time then go for raw vegetables and fruits or steam cooked vegetables.

You can lose weight by following a low-carb, high protein diet for just a few days.

In fact, lots of research has shown a low-carb diet is a very effective way to lose weight and improve health.

A short-term decrease in carb intake can also reduce water weight and bloating.

This is why people who go low-carb often see a difference on the scale as early as the next morning after starting the diet.

Additionally, making sure you eat plenty of protein can help reduce your appetite even further while boosting your metabolism.

Try eliminating or drastically reducing all carbs and sugars for the week. Replace these with low-carb vegetables, while also increasing your intake of eggs, lean meats and fish.

Foods to Avoid

You should avoid these foods, in order of importance:

  • Sugar: Soft drinks, fruit juices, sweets, ice cream and other sugar loaded foods.
  • Trans Fats: “Hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils.
  • High Omega-6 Seed and Vegetable Oils: Sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, grapeseed, corn, safflower and canola oils.
  • Highly Processed Foods: If it looks like it was made in a factory, don’t eat it.

You MUST read ingredients lists, even on foods labelled as “health foods.”

Foods to Eat

You should plan your diet on these real, unprocessed, low-carb foods.

  • Eggs: Egg whites are the best of lean protein.
  • Meat: Chicken breast, turkey breast, lamb, pork. Grass-fed is best.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, haddock and many others. Wild-caught fish is best.
  • Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, radish, sweet potato and many others.
  • Fruits: Apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries and other berries.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds etc.
  • Dairy: Paneer, cheese, butter, curd, ghee.
  • Fats and Oils: Coconut oil, butter, olive oil and cod fish liver oil.

If you want to lose weight, moderation is the key, nuts and cheese are easy to overeat.

Other changes you need to make to your diet

Reduce salt intake

Of course, you need to add salt to your food. Instead of processed salt, you can use rock salt or Himalayan pink salt. Also, adding a few herbs and spices like pepper helps in reducing the salt requirement.

Increase intake of vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body to convert fat into energy. Besides, it also helps block cortisol, a hormone that is concealed by the body under stress. A spike in the cortisol levels is the main reason for abdominal fat.

Eat more potassium rich foods

High potassium foods like avocados, bananas, papaya, mango, muskmelon and curd have a number of bloat-reducing benefits. This is because potassium is a natural diuretic that helps reduce water retention and puffiness.

Eat fat burning foods

There are many natural ways to reduce fat. Garlic, onion, ginger, cabbage, tomato, cayenne pepper and spices like cinnamon, mustard are some of the fat reducing foods.

Consuming a few cloves of raw garlic and a one-inch piece of ginger every morning is good for fat metabolism.

Having a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning is a popular option for weight loss.

Include healthy fats

When trying to get rid of bad cholesterol, the addition of good cholesterol can be helpful. Dry fruits (Almonds, Cashew, Walnuts), Avocados, olives, coconut and seeds (Flax, chia, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin) are few sources of good cholesterol.

Pro tip:

When you feel hungry instead of eating junk food consider having dry fruits and nuts, raw vegetables or fruits, and steamed vegetables.

Have early dinner or maintain 2 hours gap between your dinner and sleep time

2) Water

Drink minimum 8 to10 glasses of water per day. Keeping body hydrated is great for health, and it is even better when you are trying to lose weight and flatten your stomach.

This is because when you drink enough water, you are actually helping your body to maintain proper water balance which helps in reducing water retention, a major cause of bloated bellies. Water also makes us feel full and reduces overeating.

3) Exercise

Boost your overall health and shed excess belly fat by adding exercise to your daily routine. Any exercise you do whether it is a structured workout at the gym or an informal brisk walk around your neighbourhood, body weight workouts at home, swimming or any sports utilises calories, so you’ll burn more body fat.

But you’ll lose the most fat by doing high intensity interval training (HIIT). This training technique involves working at full speed for short intervals, typically 10 seconds to a minute, then recovering at a slow pace or resting for a minute or two. It increases your metabolism after a workout, since your muscles need to work hard to get back to normal. HIIT also burns more belly fat than traditional, steady pace cardio.

After you’re thoroughly warmed up, increase the intensity for 30 seconds, enough that you’re out of breath by the end of the interval, then recover at a slow pace for 90 seconds. Repeat those intervals 10 to 15 times; then cool down. Allow for 48 hours recovery between each HIIT workout to avoid overtraining.

You can also do stomach vacuums, this is one of the most underrated ab workout

Stomach vacuum exercises are low-impact exercises that place greater emphasis on breathing instead of increasing your heart rate.

How To Do

1. Cat stretch pose, this is also known as the four-point, transverse-abdominal stomach vacuum. Follow the steps mentioned below to do this exercise for reducing belly fat

  1. Go down to the ground on all fours, supporting your body on your hands and knees.
  2. Inhale deeply and loosen your abdomen.
  3. As you exhale, tighten the abdomen muscles.
  4. Hold this position for 15–30 seconds.
  5. Repeat the process.

2. Another type of stomach vacuum exercise is elevators. Here’s how to do it

  1. Sit on a chair. Imagine your belly to be an elevator that’s moving up.
  2. Now inhale deeply using only your nose and think that it’s the first floor.
  3. Breathe out using your mouth and simultaneously push your belly towards your spine, imagining that you are going up to the fifth floor.
  4. Breathe out fast five more times, squeezing your abs every time you exhale.
  5. Repeat the same five more times.

3. You can try standing pelvic tilts. This is another form of stomach vacuum exercise.

  1. Stand with your legs hip width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose and push your belly inwards towards your spine, and at the same time, roll your hips out in the front.
  3. Do five to six sets.

Workout Video

Pro tip:

For better results do your physical activity early in the morning.

When you get up in the morning your stomach is empty that means no protein, carbs or fat available. So when you workout your body is getting energy from your stored fat, which will help you to shed the fat.

4) Get proper sleep

Wondering why we are talking about sleeping here?

Adequate sleep is very important for weight management. Everyone needs six to eight hours of sleep. According to a recent study, too much of sleep or the lack of it can lead to weight gain.


Following all these steps will give you the kick-start and motivation you need to follow a more sustainable lifestyle.

Keep in mind that people who go on “crash diets” often end up gaining all the weight back when they’re done.

When the week is over, you should switch to a more sustainable plan so that you can continue to lose weight and keep it off.

Your best bet for blasting belly fat is slow, steady weight loss, not instant one week results.

Consistency is the key, pair a balanced diet with exercise for slower weight loss. Keep your metabolism accelerating with a moderate calorie restriction. You’ll feel more satisfied and energetic and get better results in the long run for a healthy body.

Now, it’s your turn.

Have you tried any of these? If so leave a comment by sharing what was your experience like?

You can also leave a comment if you have any question/doubt.

Originally published at on October 22, 2017.



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