The best Indian full day muscle-building diet plan

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6 min readOct 23, 2017

Home » The best Indian full day muscle-building diet plan

In this article, I am going to share with you full day meal plans for body building or muscle building or weight gain.

I promise I’ll keep this article very simple and comprehensive, not only I will share the recipe and details of all six meals but also the minute details like when and how much water you should drink.

So here we go

The first thing that you should do after waking up is drink lot of water. This is probably the best time to drink water and you should drink one litre to 1.2 litre. This kick starts your metabolism and keeps you going.

Meal 1 — Breakfast

For breakfast, you can have well-balanced oatmeal along with five boiled eggs, two whole eggs and three egg whites.

This breakfast is very easy to make let’s checkout out the recipe

Boil all the eggs for the day — 6 for breakfast and 8 to 10 for post-workout meal.

Boil low-fat milk — 500 ml and try to further remove as much fat as you can by taking out the cream layer that forms on top when you boil the milk.

You can keep half milk to set the curd and in the other half add 60 g of oats.

Once the oats are cooked add

Almonds — 28 g

Flax seeds — 5 g

Raisins — 5–6

Banana — medium

and give it a good mix

This is my favourite breakfast, I hope you will also like it.


Calories — 700

Carbs — 70 g

Protein — 45 g

Fat — 30 g

Fibre — 12 g

Now you must be thinking that oats and taste do not gel together but the trick is to customize it. If you can customize oats they will become tasty.

Between breakfast and lunch have one litre of water.

Meal 2 — Lunch

Name: Chicken and chickpea rice

Cooking time: 20 min

Preparation time: 25 min


Brown rice — 40 g

Chickpeas — 40 g

Water — 200 ml

Chicken breast — 130 g

Onion — 1 medium size

Tomato — 1 medium size

Coriander — few leaves

Extra virgin olive oil — 1 table spoon

Spices (as per taste):





Ginger garlic paste


  • For this recipe, you need to soak brown rice and chickpeas overnight
  • Cut the chicken breast into small pieces
  • Then in a cooker add this mixture along with water, salt, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger garlic paste, cut chicken breast and let it cook on a low flame for about 20 minutes
  • Garnish it with onion, tomato, coriander and extra virgin olive oil


Calories — 544

Carbs — 51 g

Protein — 45 g

Fat — 20 g

Fibre — 12 g

It’s a well-balanced meal and what makes it better that you can pack it and take it along to your workplace.

Between lunch and pre-workout meal have one litre of water.

Meal 3 — Pre-workout meal

Name: Homemade mass gainer shake


Spinach — 25 g

Oats — 40 g

Low fat curd — 100 g

Banana — medium

Peanuts — 28 g

Seedless black grapes — handful


Add all the ingredients in a blender and add water. Blend them to make a powerful mass gainer shake.


Calories — 504

Carbs — 70 g

Protein — 20 g

Fat — 18 g

Fibre — 10 g

You need to have mass gainer 2 hours before the workout.

After one hour of having mass gainer shake have a glass of water.
While working out have 500 ml of water.

Meal 4 — Post-work out meal

Your post-workout meal is

10 hard boiled egg whites,

6 dates

Ten egg whites contain 40 grams of protein which your body can easily absorb post-workout.

Even if you’re a beginner or just starting out you can still have six to eight egg whites post-workout.

If you are thinking that eating those many egg whites is not good, no they do not cause any bodily heat, please get over that myth.

Six dates will help you replenish the glycogen which you have depleted while working out.

More over these will help fight the bland taste of egg whites.

I love this meal and have it almost every day.

If you’re a vegetarian you can have a scoop of whey protein.

Meal 5 — Dinner

Dinner is by far meal of the day, this is so tasty and so easy to make.


Sweet potatoes — 200 g

Chicken breast — 170 g

Cucumber — 1 -2

Carrot — 1–2


Mint — few leaves

Chilli — few leaves

Tomato -1 medium

Curd — 2 table spoons

Lemon — 1

Extra virgin olive oil — 1 table spoon

Spices (as per taste):

Black slat

Black pepper


Ginger garlic paste


  • First clip the ends of the sweet potatoes and put them over flame for boiling
  • Then preheat the air fryer for 5 minutes, meanwhile marinate the chicken breasts with black salt, black pepper, turmeric, ginger garlic paste, coriander and half lemon
  • By this time the air fryer is preheated so put the chicken inside for five minutes
  • While the chicken is getting grilled cut the cucumbers and carrots
  • Pull the chicken out and reverse it to grill the other side for five minutes
  • Now the chicken is ready also the sweet potatoes are boiled by this time
  • Sauce preparation — add coriander, mint, chilli, tomato, curd and Water to a blender and blend them to a smooth texture
  • Top up cut cucumbers, carrots and sweet potato with sauce for that extra taste
  • Top the chicken breast with extra virgin olive oil and half lemon


Calories — 500

Carbs — 50 g

Protein — 45 g

Fat — 15 g

Fibre — 10 g

Pro tips:

  • If you don’t have air fryer you can grill the chicken in an oven or non-stick pan
  • You can make the sauce once a week and store it in the refrigerator
  • You can have sweet potatoes and cucumbers with skin but make sure that they are thoroughly washed

Next one is the last meal of the day which is before bed meal

Drink one glass of water between the meals.

Meal 6 — Before bed meal

This is a very simple meal


Fresh paneer pieces — 100 g

Almonds — 28 g

You can boil the paneer pieces or toast them in air fryer or oven or non-stick pan

Before bed you need slow digesting food so that your body gets nutrients throughout the night.

Almonds which are a healthy source of fat is obviously slow digesting moreover paneer has casein protein which is also slow digesting.

so overall, it’s a great option.


Calories — 380

Carbs — 7 g

Protein — 24 g

Fat — 20 g

Fibre — 4 g

This is how you can plan your full day diet for body building or weight gain.

Total Nutrition:

Calories — 2918

Carbs — 278 g

Protein — 220 g

Fat — 98 g

Fibre — 50 g

By end of the day your total water consumption is around 4 to 5 litres.

Please remember you need not to follow this diet plan exactly the same but I hope you got the idea.

If you are working out in the morning you can customise the plan accordingly.

Based on your height and calorie needs adjust the food quantities to get required calories and micro nutrients.

So what other questions do you have about muscle building diet? How else can I help you plan your diet?

Leave your questions in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Originally published at on October 23, 2017.



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