Beach Cleanups Help Maintain the South Florida Coast, and you Should Sign Up for One.

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

Sunny South Florida is famous for various things, especially its beaches. Some South Florida residents understand the importance of protecting wildlife and its habitat and are aware of the harmful effects of plastic on our beaches, encouraging them to take action and organize beach cleanups. allows anyone to organize a beach cleanup or sign up for future cleanup.

Individuals such as Sophia Ringel use the website to invite others to sign up for beach cleanups in Miami Beach. Ringel is the founder of the nonprofit organization Clean Miami Beach and has already done 170 cleanups. Over the years, with the help of 5,948 volunteers, they have collected 47,760 lbs of trash. Their goal is to teach residents and educate today’s youth how everyone can reuse, re-purpose, and reduce plastic consumption.

Some beach cleanups include fun activities such as yoga and offer community service hours. Beach cleanups also help the South Florida community connect with nature and other residents. It raises the conversation about the consequences of leaving trash on the beach, making people appreciate their environment.

