Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

Box Office Revenues Are Back on the Rise After the Pandemic

Box Office Revenue had been steadily rising throughout the years. Both overall revenue and the number of picture released have been increasing since movies have been invented. According to Box Office Mojo COVID-19 put a stop to this dropping the number of releases from 910 release in 2019 to only 456 in 2020. The drop in total gross revenue was even greater.

Now as the height of the pandemic starts to pass there has been an increase in revenue. The revenue for 2022 has already surpassed that of 2020 and has less than half of the amount of movies released. With this huge revenue increase the film industry can only be getting happier.

A new hunger has been ignited by the pandemic. With so many people stuck at home it seems every one has rushed back to the theaters when they reopened creating a huge boom for the film industry. Should things continue to get better the film industry will garner yet another win. With how well the box office is doing now if in a year or two the number of annual release where to return to their pre 2020 numbers the revenue should far surpass that of 2019. Hopefully this means even more and better movies await viewers going forward.

