Death Rates May Keep Us in Our Homes for A While

By Nicole Sellas

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

Shootings, robberies, and bombings are just some of the ways people died. It could have been natural deaths, suicides, or homicides. In 2020, Covid-19 originated and spread throughout the world. It still exists today, but many have become immune to it. It resulted in many people being sick to the point of dying. Hospitals had no space for the increasing number of people coming in. Lockdown occurred worldwide. Countries had closed their borders. Crime occurred including stealing, shootings, invasions, and more. One of the data points that Florida Department of Health collected was the number of homicides. Specific homicides include manslaughter, capital murder, and others. The data was focused on one state, Florida. In the state of Florida there are 69 counties overall. They measured the deaths from homicide in 2020. They measured the data on the counties within Florida. They measured it using data from the Florida Department of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics.

Overall, the state of sunshine had a total of 1,524 deaths throughout all counties. In the data there are three columns that show the county, the count of deaths, and the rate per 100,000 population in the year 2020. The way they calculated was by using the July 1st population at that moment. The population they get is from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research.

Looking at each county, the residents in metropolitan areas had a lower number of homicides than the residents in non-metropolitan areas.

From the data source, Florida Charts they have other years of homicide data and other data that has to do with Florida. The rate is calculated with a specific formula. The way they do the rate is by dividing all the counties and population of that current year and location. On the data it shows two of the biggest counties, Miami Dade County and Broward County. Miami Dade has the highest count of 242 counts on record of homicide. Broward has the second highest count of 165. This shows that the biggest counties with more residents in Florida have a higher rate of crimes like homicide. The counties with the lowest is a tie between 6 counties. The 6 counties are Flagler, Franklin, Gilchrist, Glades, Lafayette, Liberty, and Walton County. They all have a count of 0 homicide deaths on record for the year 2020.

Covid-19 was a worldwide issue. Compared to the homicides in Florida, Covid affected more than homicides as it led to thousands of deaths that year. This affected worldwide. Even in United States alone it affected more, around 1.06 million. That’s not counting those who got affected in United States that same year, around 96.9 million.

As mentioned before Covid-19 was a rough year and crimes had increased around the world. Both were tragic ways of lives lost due to uncalled homicides/viruses. It all drastically went up in 2020. This is why vaccines were created. Also, there is more crime watch, cops on duty, and safety to be there for people. Both to keep rates lower throughout the years coming.

