Domestic violence scandal affects fan support for Shyla Walker and Landon McBroom

Courtesy of: NordWood Themes (Unsplash Photos)

YouTuber couple Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker ended their channel after they announced they called it the quits in May 2021.

There is only one truth and two sides to the story. Therefore, the fans they shared are still debating who they should believe.

It’s not the first time public figures lose followers due to the scandals that circulate the media.

Landon is the brother of YouTube superstar, Austin McBroom, from the well-known Ace Family channel.

Shyla Walker became well known after she started dating Landon, although, she had done previous modeling collaborations.

Walker filed a restraining order against McBroom not long after they gave their fans the news.

Landon allegedly abused her physically and mentally as well as attempted to kidnap their daughter Souline. Joseph, a mutual friend they had, allegedly played a role in the attempt to kidnap Soul.

Unfortunately, law enforcement officers could not help during the incident because she didn’t have a custody agreement or emergency protection on their daughter.

On Sept. 16, 2021, Landon uploaded a video titled “Back Together Again,” portraying his reunion with Souline, however, he didn’t go in depth to explain his side of the story.

On Sept. 29, 2021, Shyla uploaded a video titled “The Truth,” explaining what happened and she talks about her toxic relationship with Landon. In the video, she accuses Landon of abusing her and shows footage of this.

Additionally, the footage not only shows his abuse but his family abusing her as well.

The proceeds of her video will be donated to three shelters for domestic violence survivors in Los Angeles.

He responded to her video by posting his own side to the story titled, “The Real Truth,” on Oct. 6.

After comments started multiplying daily on his video, he restricted them and nobody else was able to leave a comment.

Fan support for Landon declined shortly after he told his story.

The breakup and domestic violence incident resulted in less fan support for Landon.

The pie charts indicate that Shyla gained 97.5% of likes in her video, where she spoke her side of the story.

On the other hand, Landon had more than half of the fans dislike his video.

Shyla only had 2.5% votes in disfavor, while Landon had 47.8% against him in a day.

Whether he is a part of the Ace Family has nothing to do with people trusting him and following him.

The audience decides for themselves and who they want to give their support to.

Some people like reading data in an animated way, while others seem to understand it better in an informative way.

This data explains the concept of fan support after the scandal, offering a better explanation as to why the likes are declining for Landon throughout 6 consecutive days.

Could it be that his story was less appealing to the audience? Maybe his lack of evidence played a pivotal role as to why people are believing Shyla over him.

Wyatt Jackson, 23, a Senior Airman with the United States Air Force, believes Shyla’s story more because he was abused for many years and knows what the red flags are.

“Based on my experience, after living 15–17 years of my life with someone who abused me often, I know Landon is playing the victim,” said Jackson. “Shyla has evidence that he tried kidnapping their daughter and she has actual footage and documents to prove that there was a case.”

Talking to someone who was abused both mentally and physically, brought me to the conclusion that people who do watch their videos know what’s the truth from their previous experience.

Jackson’s tone of voice made it clear that the wounds are never 100% healed, the trauma will get the best of someone who has been abused and that’s why they know when someone else is going through the same thing. He liked Shyla’s video because he knows that they share something in common.

Janet Santiago, 51, an employee with the City of Sweetwater, also agrees that Shyla deserves the fan support as she is the one saying the truth. Santiago isn’t just agreeing on the matter to have something to say, she knows what domestic violence and abuse is because she experienced it with her cousin in Cuba.

“Well, from my second-person point of view, I know that Shyla is saying the truth because my best friend/cousin was abused by her boyfriend and he was very manipulative just like Landon,” she said. “Abusive people always put the blame on the other person and call for more attention.”

Whether a scandal has been proven true or false, reality is that it makes the vlogger lose views.

The data recorded by hand for 6 days made it clear that the audience is believing Shyla more as the days progress.

The audience not only stopped watching his videos, but they also disliked both of his videos to show support for Shyla.

Data collected from YouTube Accounts @Shyla and @LandonMcBroom:

