Stela’s Spirit in the Wild: 8 Days of Animal Encounters

“the animals around me that remind me of my cat”

Data Collection:

Over 8 days, I kept track of how many animals I saw and which ones reminded me of my cat Stela.

  • What types of animal
  • Which ones reminded me of Stela
  • Which days I saw what animal
how i kept track with my findings

Asking Questions:

Which different animals can I see?
How many of them remind me of Stela?


Analyzing the Data:

When analyzing the data I counted how many animals reminded me of Stela which was 12 from all the days I kept track. I then took the overall number of animals I saw, which was 34 animals. With these two numbers I searched 12 out of 34 which gave me 35%. I then shaded the portion which would be 35% of the cats (Stela’ s) head.


  • An animal reminded me of Stela at least twice a day.
  • I see animals everyday


I live in an area where you would see an animal every day. I am one to take photos of the different animals I see when walking or driving around my community.

an iguana I saw when tracking the different animals
ducks that I saw when walking to class that reminded me of Stela before tracking begun

With all the animals I see, I’ve been asked why different ones remind me of Stela. My boyfriend then asked me; “how many animals do you say remind you of Stela?” Great question. I took this project as a great opportunity to find out how many times I probably say “aww reminds me of Stelaaaaa.” Recently I have been feeling tired of explaining myself sometimes to people. Therefore the only aswer I can honetly give is that whenever an animal is cute looking, its my stelita. There are a lot of other animals that don’t remind me of Stela, but thats another post ;) I enjoy taking photos of little animals around me. I somehow end up with an animal right beside me in times where I don’t notice them. In the future I will want to start taking Stela on walks again. After moving to University City Sweetwater Florida, I stopped because of the amount of young college students and cars.

** She already started to walk in the hallway**


I named Stela after the beer.
Each beer bottle represents when an animal reminded me of Stela

Each pet food bowl represents each day I tracked down

The cat head represents Stela.

The green shaded area represent how much % out of the 34 animals makes up Stela.

I used cartoons of the actual animal I saw

Final Data Visualization:

