Internet Use Statistics

The internet has evolved and improved since its beginnings. From the start, the idea of the internet was thought to be excellent and throughout the years through technologically advancements, the internet is used by almost everyone in the world. As we can see in the following charts, there are differences in the race, gender, age, and ethnicity when it comes to internet use.

Based on the information from the first chart, individuals from the category representing ages 18–29 have used the internet the most. The 18–29 age group has had the highest percentage of internet use throughout the last ten years. Following close behind is the individuals from the category representing ages 30–49. These ages spend a lot of their time on the internet because every industry has moved onto the internet in one form or another, for example, the news, clothing stores, streamlining services etc. Therefore, the use of the internet is the highest in these age groups because not only are they younger, they have also been adapted to it.

Furthermore, when we examine the internet use based on race and ethnicity, individuals that are black or Hispanic have had a decline in their internet use. This could be because of several factors, one being access. Some people do not have access to the internet because they cannot pay for it or they simply do not have access to it depending on where they live. As we can see, White individuals have fluctuated throughout the years, but not drastically.

Moreover, when we examine the internet users that have been male or female, there are several instances that show that based on the people that are using the internet males and females have used it equally. Some examples are from 2013–2015 and if we look closely in 2015 there was a spike of internet users by males and females and it also happened to be the same percentage. But as we examine the chart in its entirety, at the beginning internet use was dominated more by males, and throughout the years it fluctuated and also remained stagnant. As for the percentage of females on the internet, there has been a significant increase in the last ten years. In fact, the majority of the internet use was attributed to females in the last year.

Overall, the use of the internet has increased as it had continued to modify and reach other countries and peoples. The internet use will continue to increase as more people are exposed to it and as businesses begin to move online.


