My Digital Adventures

Life is really exhausting for me. I wake up, go to school, go to work, cook, clean, and then rest my eyes and do it all over again. The older I get the harder it is for me to really enjoy things because of how limited my time is. I thank every day I have video games to keep me company in these trying times. I usually can’t afford to go out, so it really does help having an activity that I can do at home. Surprisingly enough, as a kid I barely played any video games because my family wasn’t doing well financially. This was a hobby I grew into the more money I started accumulating. With every game I picked up, a new story was told and then later finished.

The image above shows the games Lolipop Chainsaw, Psychonauts 2, The World Ends with You, and Nier.

My personal data is about the number of games I’ve beaten and how long each of them took me to beat. Games vary in all lengths, some being hundreds of hours long, other being ten hours maximum. To my surprise, I find that even if the game was short, it could still make a large impact to my emotions. That’s another section of my personal data, the impact each game left on me after finishing it. I’ve had moments where I’ve cried tears of happiness over a game, and tears of frustration. Psychonauts 2 was really fun to play overall, and the story brought the characters to life. I kept doing the side quests after beating it because I didn’t want the fun to end! But there are also games like Nier, where the lore following the gameplay would leave me feeling hopeless. I probably cried around three times while playing Nier.

At the end of the day, I play games because they’re entertaining and offer a new world to explore each time. In these fantasy worlds, my characters are infused with power and can do the impossible. Games offer an escapism to my current stressful life and offer valuable messages that can be applicable to real life. I enjoy the comfort video games bring into my world, not only are they cheap but they can also challenge the way you perceive certain issues. In my personal data, you will see a PlayStation 4 controller drawn alongside the title of the games I’ve beaten. One controller represents five hours, I will also have the controllers in different colors that represent the mood I felt while playing each game. I hope you enjoy my personal data diary and maybe even play some of the games I’ve beaten!

