Acts of Kindness around me.

Being kind is part of our everyday actions, by this project I learned that my surroundings are full of kindness as sometimes we don’t even notice those actions. I choose to track them and focus on some acts of kindness for each day. For my first visualization, each heart is an action and five of them make groups that create this flower shape which is a day. I tracked for 5 days 5 acts of kindness for each and the persons involved. Each color means a person where the action of kindness is coming from, pink hearts means they are actions coming from me, orange means they are coming from my family, yellow is coming from friends, blue is coming from my boyfriend, and purple are coming from strangers. Then, each heart has a decoration inside, each of these means where the action is going, little hearts means to me, dots to a stranger, happy face to a friend, lines to a family member, and spirals to my boyfriend.

For my second visualization, I decided to classify each of these acts of kindness into three categories. The three categories are giving, helping, and being nice. Each star means an act of kindness and it shows how 13 of my acts of kindness were being nice, 7 acts of kindness are helping, and last but not least 5 acts of kindness are giving. This graph shows how more of the kinds were just being nice, which can be a simple good morning and thanks. Then, seven acts of kindness were helping, which can be offered to someone to be there and hear them or help them with a hard situation. Then, giving can be things such as giving food to someone or donating clothes to someone who needs them.

For these two data visualizations, I tried to represent how different acts of kindness were done each day, and from the person who was coming more or going to more. Also, I represent in which category they were each such as helping, giving and just being nice and kind to someone. I noticed how people around me are nice and sometimes we take things for granted, such as my mom cooking my favorite meal this can be represented as an act of kindness and we should be grateful for it. I started journaling and tracking my feelings more deeply for this project and even though I did not represent this on my graphs, I will like to continue doing this because it made me feel good for the rest of the day. The purpose of this project is to show acts of kindness in our day to day no matter how small or big it is and be thankful for them.

