Pregnancy During the Pandemic: A South Florida Mother’s Experience and What CDC Data Shows

New information concerning the coronavirus pandemic is released daily. Data on the effects of COVID-19 are still being collected, and the angle I was curious about was: what were the effects of contracting COVID-19 as a pregnant mother?

The video below discusses the concerns and precautions a Miami-Dade County mother, Monica Gonzalez, faced during the height of the pandemic. Gonzalez gave birth in June and expresses how the experience would have been “sterile” in manner and delivery. More impending than her delivery in an isolated hospital, were all the unknown health issues her son could inherit or develop.

The story also incorporates generated animations on CDC data discussing the percentage of ethnicities of pregnant women with COVID-19 and the number of positive pregnant-mother cases and hospitalizations. This research showed that Hispanic women had the highest rate of contracting the disease, which is relevant to our story since our subject is of Cuban descent.

Watch the human and scientific elements of this multimedia.

