How much of our lives do devices consume?

Tracking the number of hours you spend in front of a screen can be an eye-opening experience. For me, it was a way to gain insight into my habits and to identify areas where I could make changes to lead a healthier, more balanced life.

I started by using a simple app that allowed me to log the amount of time I spent on my phone, computer, and other devices. At first, I was shocked to see how much time I was actually spending in front of a screen. It seemed like I was always on my phone, whether it was checking emails, scrolling through social media, or just playing games.

Once I had a baseline of how much time I was spending on my devices, I set a goal for myself to reduce my screen time. I started by setting aside specific times each day when I would put my phone away and focus on other activities, like reading or spending time with friends and family. I also made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of time I spent on social media, opting instead to spend that time connecting with people in real life.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was breaking the habit of automatically reaching for my phone whenever I had a spare moment. But over time, I found that the more I practiced putting my phone away, the less I relied on it for entertainment and distraction.

In addition to reducing my overall screen time, tracking my habits also helped me to become more mindful of the content I was consuming. I realized that much of the time I spent on my devices was spent passively consuming information, rather than actively engaging with it. This made me more intentional about the way I used my devices and helped me to focus on using technology in a way that was more productive and fulfilling.

Overall, tracking my screen time was a valuable experience that taught me a lot about myself and my habits. It allowed me to identify areas where I could make changes to lead a healthier, more balanced life and to become more mindful of the way I used technology. If you’re looking to gain insight into your own screen time habits, I would highly recommend giving it a try.

