Seagrass In South Florida, its importance, protection, and restoration.

Photo by Benjamin L. Jones on Unsplash

Laying in Florida's warm shallow waters lies an unexpectedly important member of the marine ecosystem- Seagrass. Seagrass plays a key role in maintaining the health of Florida's oceans and its human population.

What is Seagrass?

Seagrass is an aquatic flowering plant that thrives in saltwater environments, such as estuaries and shallow coastal areas. Despite its name, seagrass is not actually a grass, but rather a group of around 60 different species of plants that have adapted to living in submerged aquatic environments.

Seagrass meadows are important components of marine ecosystems in South Florida and other coastal regions, providing a range of ecological services. For example, seagrass provides habitat and food for a diverse range of marine organisms, including fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They also serve as essential nursery areas for many commercially and recreationally important fish species, which spend their early life stages in seagrass meadows.

In addition to supporting marine life, seagrass also helps improve water quality by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from the water. Seagrass meadows can act as a natural filter, helping to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water, which can otherwise cause harmful algal blooms and contribute to water quality issues.

Furthermore, seagrass plays an important role in stabilizing the ocean floor, preventing erosion, and protecting coastlines from the impacts of waves and currents. Seagrass meadows trap sediment and reduce wave energy, which can help protect against coastal erosion and contribute to the formation and stabilization of beaches and other coastal ecosystems.

It may be important to the Marine ecosystem but how does it affect humans?

They provide food security -seagrass provides food security by serving as an important habitat for many species of fish, shellfish, and other marine organisms that are important for human consumption. Seagrass meadows provide nursery grounds and feeding habitats for a variety of commercial and recreational fish species, supporting local and global food security.

They Clean Our Waters- seagrass helps clean our waters by acting as a natural water filtration system. They absorb excess nutrients and pollutants from the water, reducing the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other harmful chemicals that would otherwise enter the surrounding waters. As a result, seagrass meadows help improve water quality, making it more habitable for marine organisms and safer for human use.

They protect our coasts-seagrass is important for coastal protection. They act as a natural barrier, reducing wave energy and erosion, thus protecting coastlines from the impacts of storms and sea level rise. Seagrass meadows also trap sediment, preventing it from being carried away by currents, which can contribute to the formation and stabilization of beaches and other coastal ecosystems.

How does it affect the people of South Florida?

The presence and health of seagrass meadows in South Florida have significant impacts on the economy, as well as the overall health and well-being of local communities.

The fishing industry is a critical sector that relies heavily on the presence of healthy seagrass meadows. As mentioned, approximately 70% of Florida’s fishery species spend at least part of their life cycle within seagrass communities. This includes commercially important species such as snapper, grouper, and shrimp, as well as recreationally important species such as tarpon and bonefish. Without healthy seagrass meadows, the abundance and diversity of these fish populations would be greatly reduced, impacting the livelihoods of commercial fishermen and the recreational opportunities for anglers.

In addition to supporting the fishing industry, seagrass meadows also contribute to the growth and development of nature and wildlife tourism. The health and abundance of seagrass ecosystems are important attractions for tourists who come to South Florida to experience the region’s natural beauty and biodiversity. Many tour operators offer guided tours to seagrass meadows, providing visitors with an opportunity to observe and learn about the unique marine life that calls these ecosystems home.

Furthermore, seagrass plays a critical role in maintaining the overall health and resilience of marine ecosystems in South Florida. They provide important ecological services, such as water filtration and coastal protection, that benefit not only marine organisms but also humans. The presence of healthy seagrass meadows can help reduce the impacts of harmful algal blooms, improve water quality, and mitigate the effects of storm surges and erosion, protecting coastal communities from the impacts of natural disasters.

The Health of seagrass has declined over the years

The health of seagrass in Biscayne Bay, South Florida, has declined over the years due to various factors such as urbanization, pollution, dredging, and climate change.

According to studies, seagrass coverage in Biscayne Bay has decreased significantly since the 1940s. In 1943, seagrass coverage was estimated to be around 60,000 acres, but by 1987 it had decreased to 32,000 acres, and by 2018 it was only 17,000 acres.

The decline in seagrass coverage is largely attributed to the increase in coastal development and associated pollution, which has led to the degradation of water quality, reduced light penetration, and increased sedimentation. The dredging and modification of the Bay’s channels have also contributed to the decline in seagrass, as they disrupt the natural flow of water and sediment.

Moreover, climate change and its associated impacts, such as sea level rise and ocean acidification, have further exacerbated the decline of seagrass in Biscayne Bay. The warming temperatures and changing weather patterns can lead to an increase in disease outbreaks, which can have devastating effects on seagrass populations.

If it is so important? Why aren't more people working to protect it?

There are several initiatives and activities underway in South Florida to protect and conserve seagrass ecosystems:

Restoration projects: Several restoration projects are underway in South Florida to restore degraded seagrass habitats. These projects involve the planting of seagrass seeds or transplants to help recover areas that have been damaged by human activity, such as boat propeller scarring or dredging. For example, the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project is a large-scale effort to restore seagrass meadows and other coastal habitats in Biscayne Bay.

Regulation and enforcement: Several regulations are in place to protect seagrass meadows in South Florida, such as speed limits for boats and no-anchor zones in sensitive areas. Law enforcement agencies work to enforce these regulations and deter illegal activities that could damage seagrass habitats. There are also marine protected areas that help prevent the seagrass’s degradation. Like Biscayne National park:

Sourced from NPS website: President Lyndon Johnson hands the pen used to sign the Biscayne National Monument bill into law to Congressman Dante Fascell. Also present were Joe Browder, Lloyd Miller and Hardy Matheson.

Research and monitoring: Scientists are conducting research to better understand seagrass ecosystems and the threats they face. This includes monitoring the health and abundance of seagrass meadows, as well as studying the impacts of human activities on these ecosystems. This information can help guide conservation efforts and inform policy decisions.

Education and outreach: Many organizations are working to raise awareness about the importance of seagrass ecosystems and the threats they face. These efforts include educational programs for schools and community groups, as well as outreach campaigns to engage boaters, fishermen, and other stakeholders in seagrass conservation.

Community engagement: Local communities are also getting involved in seagrass conservation efforts. For example, volunteers participate in seagrass planting and restoration projects, as well as beach cleanups and other activities that help protect coastal ecosystems.

Did you know about the importance of seagrass?

Seagrass has been a vital part of maintaining South Florida's marine ecosystem and human population. Although some protected areas have been put in place and initiatives have been started to protect seagrass. It's not enough!

The declining health of seagrass in Biscayne Bay, South Florida, is a cause for concern, and action needs to be taken to preserve this critical component of the marine ecosystem.

As individuals, we can make a difference by being mindful of our actions and reducing our impact on the environment. We can reduce pollution by properly disposing of waste and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. We can also support local conservation efforts and participate in volunteer programs that aim to restore and protect seagrass habitats.

Furthermore, policymakers and government officials can implement regulations and policies that prioritize the preservation of seagrass meadows and the protection of water quality. This can include limiting coastal development and dredging, enforcing pollution control measures, and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

In conclusion, it is crucial that we take action to preserve seagrass meadows in South Florida and other coastal regions. By working together, we can ensure that seagrass continues to provide important ecological services, support local economies, and contribute to the overall health and well-being of our communities.

