The Cycle of Branding from Company to Consumer

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Branding is a strategy used nowadays in the majority of companies. They use their logo as a way to promote through pens mugs and any customizable item. The data analyst and co-owner of Poligrafikas, Jaime Andres Escobar speaks about his company in Colombia and how he analyzes the data when making promotional products for his clients. His clients come from all parts of the Colombian Nation, such as Vans, Under Armor, and Steve Madden. He uses his knowledge in data analysis to explore strategies to grow his company to different companies and help them build their brand while selling his products.

Provided by interviewee Jaime Escobar


Maria Aguirre Noguera 0:00
Now that you work for Poligrafikas in Colombia tell me a little bit more about about the company and, and the type of the type of data that you handle primarily, and we

Jaime Escobar 0:13
bring it up because we do a lot of products. I mean, they’re based on printing, like a notebooks in calendars. And actually, we’re developing a new product. I mean, we’ve been working on that about maybe two years, and it’s about backing, you know, so backing is one of our best perks right now. And we got there because of the data, actually.

Maria Aguirre Noguera 0:43
Oh, amazing. And how long have you worked at polygraphic? Yes.

Jaime Escobar 0:49
I’ve been working at polygraphic is about eight years.

Maria Aguirre Noguera 0:54
Okay. What would you say? It’s the product that the mostly sells? The

Jaime Escobar 1:01
specific product we’re selling right now? I mean, the job is the backs the paper bags. I mean, they are made of a paper name. graph. So we’re filling the spoke to the different clients we’ve got right now. So that is our best product.

Maria Aguirre Noguera 1:25
Okay. And and, ah, I mean, what kind of what kind of clients? Or what, what percentage of clients? Have you seen that the choose this packaging? Or do

Jaime Escobar 1:45
you think most important clients we’ve got right now is Vans, underarmor and steve madden company that this rate, a that specific products? I mean, they they the brands, I already told you? So we’re working with that company. And the Vans is right now our best client, the one who buys who buy most of our products, I mean, he’s the person that could be maybe the 35%, of our selling

Maria Aguirre Noguera 2:21
the way in which you guys print, and and the way people purchase in the types of printing? What What would you say? Is the, the increase? Or what, what do clients prefer most? When, when it comes to the quality of the printing?

Jaime Escobar 2:46
The thing about the digital Digital, a printing is, is really good, you know, because you don’t need to, I mean, it’s really fast. So they prefer something fast, but you know, it’s like immeditately so we can purchase one product in one day. But in the other kind of printing, it could be I mean, we can take more time, maybe two, three days , is like, I don’t know, two for example. Is this but bigger? The I mean, there is one, like, I don’t know, like, drawing in there. And with the color, I mean, it pass from this to the paper. Okay, you know, so yeah, it’s transferring the color, but that is the way that we transfer the color, you know, the, the thing and the name is planchas with because you use, as I told you when you need more units, so tell me about the the percentage we sell the digitally could be maybe 10%. But it’s because we sell calendars too, we sell different calendars, and one of them is for desk, you know, and we kind of print only the base of the calendar digitally. So we will need to print I don’t know maybe 1000 calendars we only sell maybe 100 For one client. So it could be cheaper because we already printed all of the production so I mean that that make more affordable

Maria Aguirre Noguera 4:47
in terms in terms of of the production and the prices of the products that you guys manage. Can Can you tell me Little bit about approximately, like, for instance, or 100 units, how many? How many would that be like the approximate, if it has increased the price? Or if it has decreased the price throughout throughout the years that you’ve been working? Actually,

Jaime Escobar 5:16
the the price is the question. I mean, I mean, before you do us a, I mean, the property was better, but right now a pandemic, and all of the stuff, I mean, most of the, the struts, we use this paper or other, they increase the the price a lot. So we had to, like a, I mean, try to Sprockets to maybe another higher price, it could be really bad for us, because nobody’s going to buy tried before to, to maintain the the price, but right now, they have the decreased around maybe 5%. Because most of the the companies, I mean, our competition, they are like doing the same, how have you seen

Maria Aguirre Noguera 6:13
that it’s, it’s grown in the last year, maybe after COVID?

Jaime Escobar 6:20
That’s your COVID For sure, the paperbags, I mean, the world has increased, maybe 200%. So it’s really important for us. And actually, we did it, because of that, because we saw an opportunity with the data, we, we did see the the companies, they were like buying these kind of products, so we decided to move our like, if work to that specific product, you know, maybe maybe they the calendars to calendars, we we did a really good inversion, investing investments sorry, with the machines, we needed to like a decrease the the the price of the of that product. So, I mean, we are really competitive in that kind of product, in calendars and the a no dose, and we did I mean the same investment, or all of the drugs so and in calendars, maybe we greased 20% And no book maybe could be 40% What

Maria Aguirre Noguera 7:42
company would you say is the company that doesn’t either purchase more or purchase less, or that doesn’t decrease your data doesn’t increase your data, what company is like sort of like individual out of outside the data

Jaime Escobar 8:03
palette. And we I mean, we’ve got an 80% of the company that buy our products, they are reporting for us, those, those companies, they move, they’re they’re selling, but we’ve got a lot of a lot of a lot of small companies with the calendars, we only need to produce maybe a 100 calendars. And it’s really cheap for them. Because if they need only one production for 100 calendars, it could be maybe they triple or maybe more, you know, like we sell only one calendar in maybe $2 But if we do it like in the one specific order, it could be maybe more than actually $10 so you know it’s it’s a really was sort of strategy and those client doesn’t move our I mean they don’t increase or decrease the selling the data they then the average could be only 500 tomorrow so the data is not showing us in the difference between because it’s only different products with different prices with a different targets would depress in marketing in general. So we try to analyze the data a doing like we separate the this product and we analyze that product in the the time like a how how much we sold the last year how much we sold this year and with that we make like a different way. We can realize if we increase or decrease in that specific product. We do the same with all of the different brands we sell almost

Maria Aguirre Noguera 9:54
to the end of the of the interview. Is there something that you would like to add And then that you would like our listeners to to know in terms of, of Poligraphikas and the data that you that you analyze, then

Jaime Escobar 10:12
a advice I can give is, is really important, both of them, you know, having data and life’s there and like, and with that, creating a strategy

Maria Aguirre Noguera 10:28
so much, have a wonderful pleasure.

Jaime Escobar 10:32
Thank you. You too.

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