The PlayStation 2 has been the highest selling game console since 2000

Video games were invented back in the early 1950s and in the 70s became available in your home. Ever since then there has been a boom of invention for new video games consoles that can push forward the new medium further and further. More and more people began to purchase these consoles and it became a regular thing for kids to want in their homes but in 2000 one console would skyrocket in sales.

The PlayStation 2 would go on to become the highest grossing video game console of all time. Creating a piece of hardware that could compete in every way to its competitors and even being cheaper than some it became an icon of a console. It not only has sold the most units but was also the console with the longest time on the market even being on the market at the same time as its successor the PlayStation 3.

Even as consoles become more and more powerful and able to run better and better games no console has yet to be able to beat the PlayStation 2. The only console to ever come close was the Nintendo DS which was a huge revolution in handheld gaming.

With the newest consoles on market having difficulties producing and being much more expensive than previous generations they have not even been able to get anywhere close the the PlayStation 2’s sales numbers. The PlayStation 5 has only sold approximately 20 million units.

