Think Twice Before You Call a Specialty Coffee Beverage “Overpriced”

A selection of single-origin coffees on display at MANE coffee in Boca Raton, Florida.

In recent years, specialty coffee has slowly made its way down to Miami. In Miami, cuban coffee has dominated the coffee scene for decades, leaving very little room for specialty coffee.

Mane Coffee, a specialty coffee shop located in Boca Raton, has plans to revolutionize the coffee scene in South Florida with careful coffee preparation, and curated specialty beverages.

Specialty coffee is defined as a variety of regulations and methods for growing, picking, roasting, and preparing coffee. It starts with the quality of the plant and ends with beautiful, temperature regulated latte art(sometimes).

While the usual ‘Cafe con Leche’ can really get the job done, there is a feeling of delicacy that comes with the indulgence of specialty coffee. And it’s not just a coincidence.

Specialty coffee begins with coffee plants being carefully placed in the appropriate regions. Everything from altitude, soil, temperature and moisture in the air is considered. From that point, the cherry from the coffee plant is grown, hand picked, sorted, and processed. Once the pulp of the cherry is separated from the seed, the beans are then dried, milled and finally, exported.

It’s hard to believe that the coffee production process has many more steps to fulfill before it reaches your cup. After the coffee is exported to a roaster, the roaster carefully roasts the coffee and it is then shipped off to your favorite coffee shop.

At Mane Coffee in Boca Raton, FL, offers 8 single origin coffees from several different regions and roasters.

Some of Mane’s coffee collection features growers in Columbia, Mexico, Africa, and Ecuador, with roasters being located in Berlin, South Carolina, New York, and Texas.

So, next time you feel upset that you spent over $5 on your cup of coffee, remember that it traveled many miles and went through many careful hands to end up in your cup.

