A header image showing a photo of Katie Moore with illustrations referencing answers from the interview.

Spotlight: Katie Moore

Sam Stone
Five & Done
Published in
6 min readAug 14, 2019


Director of Production and Boys2Men groover

Spotlights are a chance to take a look behind the curtain and catch a glimpse into the lives of those who make working at Five & Done challenging, weird and seriously wonderful.

In our newest interview, we’ve cornered Katie Moore, #TeamFiveandDone’s Director of Production. Katie was born and raised in Oregon, setting sail for California to attend USC (she probably didn’t get on a boat, we know where Oregon is, chill). When Katie isn’t juggling deliverables, she’s cranking up a Disney playlist with her kids, baking all the goodies, and sometimes you’ll catch her working in the yard, drowning her plants. Without further ado, Katie Moore answers the tough questions in the newest edition of Five & Done Spotlight.

Q: What three things do you need to be successful at your job?
I would say that I need some social interaction, I can’t just stick my headphones on and have no interactions all day. I’d need least one La Croix and an internet connection, I don’t know?!

Q: What kind of music gets you pumped, or in the zone?
Katie: Those are two very different things. I’d say the music that gets me “pumped” is more pop music, “Girl Talk” type stuff. If I were focusing and getting in “ the zone”, I’d say more like R&B, silly shit like Boys2Men.

Q: Let’s see a screenshot of your Spotify playlist:

kids, amirite?

Q: If you could time travel, where would you go/who would you meet and why?
Katie: I’m not sure it’s the wisest choice, but I always thought it be fascinating to be in the Victorian era, the upper class life with the extravagant clothing and hair, it’d be interested to see what thats all about.

Q: What is something that you are irrationally afraid of and why?
Failure, in a way. It’s definitely a phobia of mine.

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Archeologist like Indiana Jones, explore go on adventures, discover things.

Q: Who are your top 3 heroes? (they can be real or fictional):
Katie: 1(and 2)- My parents. Sadly, I feel like I didn’t appreciate them and all they gave up for me as much as I should have when I was younger. Now being a parent I have so much more clarity and with that comes a deeper level of respect and appreciation.
3 (and 4 — because I have 2 brothers). My brothers. Despite some personal struggles they have come out the other end better people and have an amazing sense of purpose in this world.

Q: Describe your dream project, or your dream client:
Katie: My dream client would be someone that trusted you completely to execute a project. The kind of project that neither you or the client had direct experience with, I think it comes down to the trust aspect. I also think it would be cool to do something with the Olympics. I’ve done sports most of my life and I still have a passion for that. So it would be cool to be part of some type marketing campaign that had to do with the Olympics.

Q: Tell me a joke:
This is definitely an inside joke at my house, but here is goes…
{Dad farts} Charlotte (my 4 year old) says “ring ring” and then pretends to hand dad the fake phone. Dad pretends his hand is a phone puts to his ear and says “hello?” Charlotte screams “you did it!!!” You can imagine a 4 year old doing this, that’s what she does all day.

Q: What show are you binge watching right now?
Right this second I am binging “The Boys” on Amazon Prime, it’s weird and it’s dark. It shows both sides of the story of Superheroes and the people fighting them.

Q: What 3 famous people, living or dead would you invite to a dinner party?
I really like hosting dinner parties! I would have Brad Pitt over (because he’s hot), Albert Einstein, because there could be some interesting conversation there. For the third, I think I’d invite Julia Child.

Q: What are you really bad at, but enjoy doing anyway?
Katie: Gardening! I can’t keep things alive very well, but I like working in the yard. My husband takes care of it though, I have a tendency to over water everything.

Q: What is a super power you would NOT want?
Reading minds, that sounds horrible.

Q: What movie quote do you overuse?
Sadly, I’m not a movie quote person, in my vows I actually said I’d get better at movie quotes. My husband is in the realm of Matt Gase when it comes to quoting movies.

Q: What is something that lives up to its hype?
Katie: Having kids.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
Bad, soapy teenage drama TV. Anything on The CW, Vampire Diaries, Riverdale, Sabrina.

Q: If you weren’t working as Director of Delivery. What do you think you’d be doing instead?
Katie: That’s changed a few times, I thought I’d have some sort of business, probably something to do with baking. I also enjoy the idea of being a nurse, of helping people. The medical profession doesn’t make me squeamish.

Q: What are you proud of, but you never really get to talk about?
Katie: My parents had me very young, they didn’t go to college. Despite that, with their support I was determined to go to college and be successful, I feel like I am succeeding in that area.

Q: What is a “phase” that you went through that makes you cringe now?
Katie: An Abercrombie phase, is that a thing? I was pretty vanilla, I was home schooled for awhile.

Q: Tell us about your best day at Five & Done.
I can think of two things for this question. The first one is being able to be a part of the Alpine photoshoot project, I hadn’t had direct exposure to that type of project. It was super tough, but I was proud to be a part of it.
I have another memory of the team all banding together when the “Target” tease video launched. I remember feeling this sense of pride whether you were on that project or not, everyone gathered to watch. I’m using that as an example because this is why I wanted to be here, that small agency family feeling. Having a group this small you get to intimately know everyone, I had been lacking that before.

Q: What do you like to spend your free time doing?
Katie: I used to be all about working out and crafts, all things that require time that I don’t have anymore. I still like baking and cooking when I can. I definitely enjoy indulging in stupid shows, and spending time with my family, I still do some beading jewelry, I make wrap bracelets.

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