Spotlight: Mike Bernhard

Associate Producer & Matthew McConaughey Enthusiast

Sam Stone
Five & Done


Spotlights are a chance to take a look behind the curtain and catch a glimpse into the lives of those who make working at Five & Done weird, rewarding, and seriously wonderful.

Welcome to another edition of Five & Done’s Spotlight. Today we’re shouting Mike Bernhard’s name from the rooftops. (and annoying the hell out of our neighbors) A Texas native, Mike initially came to us as a student at Texas A & M. He joined the #TeamFiveandDone family in 2017 as we first began planting our roots in Dallas and two years later? We can’t imagine office life without him. We proudly present the interview you never knew you needed with Mike Bernhard.

Q: Tell us a story from your first day at Five & Done:
I remember the first time I walked into the office in California. Everyone had something to say about my “Texas” accent.

Q: What is something that are you irrationally afraid of and why?
Mike: The ocean, but more specifically sharks. I have been in the ocean yes, but I was told there weren’t any sharks where I was. I’ve watched enough “Shark Week” to know that they don’t come into shallow water.

Q: What are you currently listening to? Can we check out your Spotify playlist?
It depends on the day, If I’m feeling a little pumped up its gonna be Migos. But a normal day is 90's pop, Backstreet Boys, stuff like that. You don’t know who Migos is?! I’m wondering where you’ve been…

Q: What was the last video game you played?
Mike: Red Dead Redemption 2 was the last game I played, it’s a super long but it’s an okay game. But no, I wouldn’t say, “bury me in my grave with it” or anything.

Q: Who are your top 3 heroes? (real or fictional)
Mike: Number one is obviously Matthew McConaughey, after that it would be Vinny Chase from “Entourage”. Vinny Chase is the American dream, making it big and taking all of your friends with you. There are only two heroes for me.

Q: What three things on any given day do you need to be successful at your job?
Everyone probably says this but not having to take everything too seriously, being able to break the ice during an awkward silence, and “Keynote”.

Q: What conspiracy theory do you actually believe?
Where do I even start!? I believe two conspiracies for sure. First, I believe that 2Pac is still alive and I also believe that there were multiple shooters when JFK was killed.

Q: What are you really bad at, but enjoy doing anyway?
There are a lot of things I’m bad at. Golf is for sure one of them, but I know brent nuñez said the same thing. Another thing is the piano, but I really want to learn to play. So far I’ve learned the keys to the beginning of “Shallow” from “A Star is Born”. People think I’m really good at piano for the 1st 10 seconds of that song, after that? Not so much.

Q: What is something that lives up to its hype?
Mike: Chick-fil-A, that’s all I need to say on that.

Q: What is a “phase” that you went through that makes you cringe now? Mike: I definitely went through the “skater” phase. Looking back on it, I was never good at skateboarding, nor did I look good enough to impress people by being on a skateboard in the first place.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
I think you know the answer to this. It’s reality TV, but I don’t feel bad about it.

Q: What’s one super power you would NOT want?
Mike: To be stretchy.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be?
Either Tom Petty or Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln never told a lie, so you can understand why on that one.
(Author’s note: I don’t understand)

Q: The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles?
Mike: The Beatles.

Q: What was cool when you were a kid, but is NOT cool now?
Mike: : Velcro shoes, I used to wear them all the time. You know, if I were to wear those now…actually my life wouldn’t be much different.

Q: What’s a movie quote that you overuse?
Mike: “Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly pal!”. It’s from “Wedding Crashers”, it’s my favorite movie ever.

Q: What can you talk about for hours?
I can talk basketball for that long for sure, but I could also talk about “drama” for hours. Like reality TV and what’s going on with the Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson.

Q: Have you given any thought to what your drag name would be?
Mike: I don’t know why, but I immediately thought of that scene from “A Star is Born”- BYOB (bring your own boobs).

Q: What TV show are you binging right now?
Mike: “The Hills”! (yes, THAT Hills) I remember my sister watching it way back then and remember thinking, “those girls were hot.” I’m also binging True Detective Season 3 on HBO. I have about 45 minutes left of the last episode, so don’t saying about it!

Q: A Sugar Daddy buys you nice things, what does a “Splenda” Daddy buy you?
Mike: He buys you everything you need to get by and nothing more.

If you liked this article, check out the rest of our feed at If you just like Mike, you can follow on instagram @mike_bern, or find him on the “Keeping up with the Kardashians” message board.

